Monday, December 26, 2011

My dysfuctional family

12/26/11 My dysfunctional Family
I do not remember ever liking Christmas I was always the garbage thrown away ignored and forgotten. This Christmas 2011 was the same except I said little and watched. When I arrived my brother was talking to his Uncle about his gambling adventures in Louisiana. His son was sitting beside him my brother never asked him a question or spoke to him. My brother and Uncle which was my mothers brother talked together the whole time. Now my uncle is some kind of a Christian and my brother took the walk to Emaus retreat. Other than the banalities of “Hello how are you” I don't think I was spoken to. My brother told of how he said “Eni meany miney Moe catch a nigger by his toe in Louisiana in connection with a gambling story and laughed.
What struck me as so sad was his son when I left was sitting in the big chair besides his father while the dad slept. I know how much William hungers for his father's attention. My mother said very little to me too. I did not notice my brother saying much to his wife either so much selfishness. When William realizes his father will never bestow the attention on him that he desires and his father gets crossways with his 7th or 6th or whatever wife my brother will go back to being alone. I shall set a new years resolution to steer as clear of them as I can. Now my mother when I called to check on her said how proud of me she was (I guess for finding my place in the green family)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Flag and remove

12/22/11 Flaggers and Removers on Rant and Raves
Our country is the only country that you can say want ever you wish with restriction. Unless you are threatening the President or someone else. You cant talk about having sex with a minor either. Then you post your thoughts on Rants and Raves you find out these people who Flag and Remove your writing because they disagree with you. So even in the land of the free there people in the linage of Hitler,Stalin,Mao SA tong, and the great Dictators of the past in that they will not let any view that they disagree with to stand. Just think if they had their way Obama would not be unelected he could serve for live. Your private holdings would be not yours any more. Why do not these wonderful people meet and like the wall street protest and protest free speech and ideas let us know what they really want.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poop for Brains

12/21/11 Poop for Brains
It dawned on my while thinking of my former religion The Church Of Christ. They say worship on the 1st day of the week Sunday. I am talking to a official Church Of Christ preacher and he says Sunday from sundown Saturday night till sundown Sunday night being Sunday in response to my telling him that I keep the Sabbath from sundown Friday till sundown Saturday the Sabbath.
Now mind you Hashem (god) instituted the Sabbath in Genesis 1st chapter when it says on the 6th day God rested. Now Jesus his son said all through his ministry on earth keep the Sabbath and follow the commandments. When in the New Testament when Paul (Saul of Tarsus) and Peter were trying to figure out what to tell the Gentiles non Jews they said keep the Sabbath and the commandments.
This sudden change to Sunday is like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints changing to water and bread instead of wine or grape juice. There explanation is that none Mormons were going to poison the wine so God told Joseph Smith to use water for the blood of Jesus. How many thousand years was “The Sabbath” kept and then changed suddenly. Does not make sense until you study history there you find Constitine King of Constantinople who said we will worship on the venerable day of the Sun , “Sunday”. So like the Mormons I think the Christians are thinking with Poop not brains.
A very recent example of people with Poop for Brains is the group of 900 that followed a guy named Jim Jones. In the movie about him Powers Booth who portrayed him throws a Bible down and says who is your faith in that or me. Well like those people who will all be in the lake of fire for their folly. Will not the Christians worshiping on “Sunday” instead of Saturday or the 6 day Sabbath. God has killed Thousands of people for disobedience. His son Jesus “The Christ” said wide is the road that leads to destruction and many on that road narrow is the road to heaven and few that find it. Does such statements mean that millions like those followers of Jim Jones will end badly, I believe so.

The Worshiop of God

Obedience to "The Law" any law with out heart felt change and acceptance is just cosmetic.People fasten their seat belts but do they do it because they believe that it will save there lives or to avoid a $400.00 ticket if caught.If they do it because they believe it will save (postpone the inevitable)lives then they are doing it from the heart. As to the first day worship Go read about Constantine the King of Constantinople and how the Jews ran from his meeting of all religions to get one religion one Bible and he got Catholics,and whatever groups together and said "There will be one translation and only one". He also said " Wee will worship on the venerable day of the sun(soul inviticis)"Sunday". He had all decenter's killed(Jewish Rabbis,Jews). You worship on Sunday I will honor the Sabbath,i have researched this and came home to the Jewish religion(Messianic Jew I believe in Jesus (the Christ,the messiah). His name is not Jesus Christ Joseph and Mary were not "Christ"their son Jesus was "The Christ"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Holy God in the sky thy real name Hashem and the Christ Elohem
Though I walk in the valley of broke and no money you are with me.
Somehow my cup runes over in-spite of Obama and the Muslims he represents,
My land is stumbling and faltering under the weight of stupidity of Democrats and Republicans.
Your hand is opp on me my shoulder does it softly rest,thy voice whispering these idiots too will pass,
Rain has fallen and the winter grass is green the birds sing reminding me that it is not fools like Obama
But the wisdom and love of thee that keeps this place moving harmony.
Yes I walk in the valley of despair with no money but your rod and staff smite these fools with short time.
Yes I know Keagan and Sodimeyr are longer lasting than the chief of fools Obama
But your voice says to me that these too will pass like the seasons of the year and be just as forgotten.
God,Hashem,Jesus (The Christ) bless America and Jesse Lee. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

my mother (perfect mother



You always say you cant start at the roof and build a house that you must lay a good FOUNDATION and build up.When you yelled at me about my multiplication tables you destroyed a great part of my earning potential FOUNDATION.Great Jobs like Chemist,Doctor,Veterinarian,Weather forecaster,book keeper,Engineer Teacher,so with the earning potential cut way down.Even in the field you choose which was very math intensive and me being non foundational in Mathematics,which hurt in the Postal exam too.So I started my struggle and made less than $7.00 per hour for most of my life,see welders that can measure and fit make the big bucks the welders that can weld good are worthless.Fitting requires the Math foundation that you screamed at me about and jack hammered away.So every penny your have spent can be laid at your door and you tell me you are sorry,yes you are if I will but go away and stop reminding you(that is your sorry for).Now today I am trying to fix my Glasses and can't see to drive or fix the glasses and do not have the money to get new ones. It dossent matter that I was restricted in income but you added two trips across the united states one because you said Abilene had jobs and my wife and I loaded up and came 4,000 dollars each way wiping out savings.But you are the perfect mother,Christan,wife,daughter,socialight,traveler,money adviser,money maker,money saver,and you tell everyone that will listen this daily.I have for 30 plus breathed contamination in my lungs,been around Asbestos(ever heard of Mesothelioma)lung cancer by asbestos.God only knows what else that welders suffer."If you are going to school you will need help and if My(Johan Green"s)money is going to help you will go to welding school". I wanted to go to Aucneering schoolbut my wants were not shit on a $600.00 pair of boots and still arn't.Reminiscent of another of your famous quotes"How the HELL are you going to College you barely graduated High school" "you will make more money off of hunting than you will selling knives" see your FOUNDATION building continues as regards me

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Business Community and Cops

12/15/11 The Business community and Cops
Business are always being stolen from and vandalized . Business puts up the money for Crime Stoppers. Crime stoppers says that if your tip leads to the conviction or indictment you may get up to $1,000.00 reward. This amount is high to try to solicit tips. I personally know a business person in Abilene Texas that gave them what the wanted and when he asked about the Crime Stoppers money they more or less laughed at him the officers that were asking the questions. Now I was involved with a conversation where a man described how he went to jail in Abilene for a ax handle sticking out from under his seat in his company truck because it was a concealed weapon not a tool and the truck was a landscaping truck. The lady behind the counter told how she had a run in with a Good Abilene Police Officer because her children were popping fire works and said offices said (according to her) he would jump on her. She had just had back surgery.
Believe me these things do happen. I myself was a victim of a bad cop and I would not call crime stoppers if I saw the bank being robbed and took photos of the robbers because of that bad deputy sheriff. It would seem to me that the business community who supports crime stoppers would want the law enforcement accountable for such stuff. It seems to me as many bad cop stories as there are that all people would lobby for a non tied to current law enforcement a investigative body whose job it was to hang bad cops and could be reached by call like crime stoppers. They would investigate and prosecute all law enforcement including lawyers,judges,cops,state troopers,rangers and game wardens. By doing this and cleaning up bad law enforcement I know I would be willing to turn in a criminal but with crooks with badges and judges that are no better than death row inmates and lawyers that steal I refuse to help these “LEGAL CRIMINALS”.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


This so called Christ birthday Christmas is a pagan lie. It is winter solos when the sun is at its farthermost from the norther hemisphere and the days become longer by a little as it begins its long journey back to the summer equinox . The Catholic church could not overcome these and the holiday of Eastar so the Christen them. Eastar is original spelled as I have spelled it and is a pagan fertility God.
So those of you who think you are celebrating Jesus Christ(Christ is not his last name he was the "Christ" the lamb of God) are in fact taking his enemy's day as his birthday! How would you like it if your "Loved ones" celebrated your birthday on your most hated persons birthday? So those who celebrate Christmas are doing this will God's (Hashem) great capacity for anger be loving when he and his beloved son return and judge people. Or is Jesus statement that narrow is the way to life and wide is the way to destruction,few will find the way to heaven and many to destruction is Christmas and Eastar one of these things in these statements.There are many books that contain the truth "Tanach" is one of these it should be required reading for anyone wanting to know God or Jesus "The Complete Works of Josephus" like Jesus a Jew who lived in Jesus time and wrote of these things and is a witness to many things in the "Bible" confirming the things in the Bible. For a paltry $24.99 at Books a million the latter book can be had and the former "Tanach" can be ordered off line. How much or little is your soul worth?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Abilene Texas Gestapo

The Abilene Texas flag and remove gestapo is here to keep all non good information off of Crag’s rant and raves. Noe the United States Postal Service is closing Abilene Texas mail sorting center a government originazition telling Abilene it is no 1. KTXS television reported that Abilene Texas ranked dead last in job creation it the whole United states. This means pick a city (anyplace with a post office) like Winters Texas or Goodnight Texas and they beat Abilene Texas in job creation. Pray Dyess Air Force base closes and Abilene may become like the Nazi’s. You see them at rallies around America goose stepping and seig heiling. Exactly like the Abilene Texas Flag and Remove Gestapo goose stepping to flag and remove your post a idiotic annoyance not a world movement. But like the Nazi’s now a anachronistic joke, their ship like the Titanic has sailed and failed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Yes Jesus Loves me so


Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I leas shows me so!
Five marriages gone 4 children that only one speaks
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so!
Building a hunting box all alone the wood is junk
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so!
All those decipiles of his that I went to church with
no where to lend help but when they call I come!
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so!
Sweat running down my leg wood splitting back hurting from lifting trying to make my dreams come true
Yes Jesus loves me for the life I live shows me so!
No money in my bank no job can I hold my feelings don’t count
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so.



12/01/11 GOD,JESUS
How can it not be your fault God ,Jesus you made my brain Bipolar with ADULT ATTENTION DEFICIT DISTORTER with HYPERACTIVITY?
This brain that misplaces things that I look for forever singing How can it not be your fault?
How can you say you love me God,Jesus when you did this to me?
You gave me the mother that shouted at me while teaching my multiplication tables and no telling what “you moron she said”.?
How can it not be your fault God, Jesus for I remember not the line my soul got for toxic parents or diseased mind?
A senior in college I am but a Senior doesn't a job get nor hold it how can it not be your fault?
Children I have one has been told by your disciples that I am dead how can it not be your fault?
The other three only one talks to me very seldom how can it not be your fault?
The psychiatrist say my disease of the mind broke the cord of parent and child how can it not be your fault?
So struggle with money do I and getting things done do I how can it not be your fault?
Your Bible and Tanach I have read prayers I have said still no better is it for me how can it not be your fault?
Begging thee to kill me even send to Hell I will go if it is better for me how can it not be your fault?
The computer I write on the Phone I use they the ones you loved with good brains change the soft wear hard wear no one can keep up hoe can it not be your fault?
The world you drounded and started again my garden and trees you killed with your drouth how can it not be your fault?
Let one of your preachers or teachers or Rabbi's explain this to me how is it not your fault for you created all I have stated?

Monday, November 28, 2011

The future of our country

The future if things keep going as they are now will be a violent one. Those supposedly in power are willing to use there minions the police to do grievous things to the people until the people get enough and fight back! Right now at this moment the "Police" have kicked a pregnant lady in her belly and pepper sprayed  her causing a miscarriage.They have shot a man 71 times that is two 30 round clips plus 11 rounds unless the whepons were full auto that is 71 pulls of a trigger. These cops Swat Team dressed in black according to the report. Perhaps Police and any law enforcement should have in florescent letters Police on the chest and down all arms and legs front and back from now on so that civilians can recognize them.but the police will say that that makes them exposed targets. In world war 2 they used all the white paint in England painting white strips on all aircraft in the invasion force this made them more visible to the Germans too they did not cry about it why should Cops here cry about being marked. Getting shot at is part of there job do not take a job that you are too afraid of. A campus cop used industrial strength pepper spray which the Geneva Convention will allow the use of only for the defense of a base. The police in any form are not above the law as they are acting now. and the people in power are violating the 1st amendment which makes the Constitution null and void and changes things to anarchy with the police becoming thugs and the strongest survive.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

public fools

What the people and the dam cops will not understand is we were a country of laws and both badge wearers and non badge wearers were subject to those laws! The Constitution of the United States  and of Texas both contain rules for both Law enforcement and non law enforcement. When a citizen shoots someone 71 times it is murder. When a citizen beats a 80 year old grandmother in the mouth till she bleeds it is a crime. when a citizen kicks a pregnant woman in the belly and she looses the child it is a crime. When we allow badge wears to do these things and it is not a crime then we elevate them above the rules and it becomes a fight for survival! Well that fight for survival is here it seems! Remember those badge wearers are citizens too, so are the Lawyers,judges,Congress people and the president also the military. so why in Abilene Texas are these messages flagged? Removed by someone from Craig s List is it hat Abilene Texas is that against real law and order is America so corrupt that the gun now rules the tough rule the lawless rule??

the Abileners Heil

ate: 2011-11-27, 5:33PM CST
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

You Hitlearan Gestapo loving Abilieners must think I write this in one place only and do not make copies. Now true i fully expect swat Texas rangers Jones county sheriff state troopers and maybe a B1B lancer with a small atomic bomb to silence me with 71 223 bullets like the former marine in Arizona and my dead body covered in pepper spray plus tazered till i am thoroughly silenced. here it is again:This is a public forum for all to express there thoughts. This is supposedly the buckle of the Bible belt. "Gods Town" but when you tell the truth it is flagged and removed now since i point out that the police have now become Like Hitlers SS Stalin's K.G.B. and the roman centurions that crucified Jesus. So like all authority since the beginning of authority have become the enemy of the peace loving people!! The headlines prove it, a woman kicked in the stomach by a police man and peppered sprayed till she mis carries, a marine in Arizona shot 71 times by a so called swat team, a campus cop pepper sprays many people on the news for all to witness and in reactionary Abilene Texas this is viewed as bad must be removed material. Probably by people like the chief of police. I am sure that they do not like my quote by sheriff Larry Moore of Jones county " you can't complain he was just doing his job" but this is how all these aforementioned officers are viewed by fellow police,state troopers,Texas Rangers, F.B.I. they are doing there job you who don't move fast enough are worms to be stepped on.

Police Law enforcment

The law enforcement community has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt if you have watched or read off of the internet recent goings on in various towns across America that they are ALL OF THEM are the enemy. They will shot you 71 times as the did a ex marine in Arizona or kick a pregnant woman in the belly and pepper spray her till she miscarries (murder legal because police officer did it). A 80 year old woman bashed in her teeth. All this because of orders and they (the people attacked by police are criminals) nothing has changed since Martin Luther King,Ganda and our own revolution who ever is in authority becomes the abusers of the people this goes back to Rome. Our police,state troopers,rangers, and whatever names they go by have joined the ranks of the dreaded. In the famous words of sheriff Larry Moore of Jones County Texas "you can't complain he was just doing his job" When the people finally have had enough in the words of G Gordon Liddy aim for the head,or knee caps,or elbows,or hands then pepper spray there eyes out. Remember they have no mercy nor empathy you when the order is received are less than poop on a $600 dollar boot.

American stupidity

This very day I read about insider trading by congress men who have passed laws to exempt themselves from the laws all of us must abide by. The same is the Police you can not complain against or cost a bad officer his job unless he shoots your child on television or rapes your child on television. In the words of Sheriff Larry Moore of Jones County Texas "He was just doing his job" The cop or deputy like the congressperson walks!!! If starting this election all incumbent congress persons are not voted out of office for that matter all so called "public servants" Judges,district attorneys,sheriffs,congress persons, and  all the way to dog catcher and replaced with new people our country like those in Europe will be in a "DEPRESSION'" and a world upheaval like never saw before. We are like a termite eaten board rotten to the core. We no longer have the luxury of saying not my "public servant" he or she is doing a great job fire the SOB and try a new person. A rabbi said you cant put new wine in old wine skins or the wine skins bust and both or lost this is where the Entire United states of America and especially Texas is we keep voting professional politicians and expecting a different result that is the definition of insanity.

Monday, November 21, 2011

police again

To protect an serve, what a load of shit. Six months ago I was riding my motorcycle late at night. I crossed an intersection, I had the blinking yellow and the other vehicle had a blinking red. I slowed down to enter into the intersection. The other car saw me and stopped. I got about three feet into the intersection and the car gunned it. I t-boned the car. The diver left me and the passenger laying bleeding and unconscious in the middle of Buffalo Gap. It wasn't until I was already at the hospital that she came back to the seen in a different car with her friends. Her charges leaving the scene of an accident, no insurance and running a red light. What about failure to render aid? The officer told me that she was just a scared kid (19 yrs old) so they charged her with the lesser crime. I personally don't know of anyone who wouldn't be scared if they caused an accident with a motorcycle. What a crock! I was screwed by Abilene Police Department and I was screwed by this young lady. If they would have charged her with failure to render aid she would have had harsher consequences. Instead I was shafted, injured and left with $40,000 in medical payments (since she had no insurance.) Here's the kicker I have to sue ( someone with no money ) to try to recover my damages. Thank you APD for ensuring that this young lady didn't suffer the most severe consequences for her actions, hats off!

 This is a citizen of Abilene Texas complaint against the Police
OK one of you stated "the enemy until needed" ask local businesses how it works. you can go in many of the small businesses , fast food, convenient stores, and you see local police totally taking advantage of the generosity of a hard working business. most respectable people do not repeatedly sit down and take advantage of an offer of kindness like local law enforcement. yes the business owner might say hey its on us, or hey coffee on us, but does that mean go and eat all your meals there, or sit there through your shift because it was offered? a bunch of free loaders is what they are, and you ask these business owners why allow this? the answer you get is that they wont respond, or respond in a timely manner. isn't it their job to respond? go to IHOP at midnight, and its a traffic jam with all of them fighting to get there to see all the ladies coming in when the bar closes. also, i may be mistaken, but i do believe there was a rule that if they work private security on their own time they could not wear their uniform, so either they still wear it anyway, or they are actually doing security on the clock? i also don't think that that badge is supposed to give you the go ahead to do as you please, speed limits, traffic lights, signs, it all still apply s. the type of person they seek for the police department is the problem, and its long over due for the people to get involved and look at their police department, clean house and start fresh. people, these are not heroes, its not heroic to cruise around the bar scene , or IHOP looking at the women, or sitting in on a hard working business when you are paid to be out there to protect and serve. your heroes are your firemen that go into situations putting you first, or the EMT that pulls you from a wreck, and i have never seen one of them spend their shift taking advantage of a hard working business.
  This is another statement by a Citizen of Abilene about the police.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


11/20/11 Police
Seems every once and a while a Cop of some sort shows all of us that all police are just thugs with badges and guns. There was one who was filmed spraying pepper spray on college students. I know from my own experience and the words of Sheriff Larry Moore of Jones county Texas that law enforcement feels like this to quote Sheriff Moore “He was just doing his job you can't file a complaint on him. If these demonstrations do nothing else perhaps the true color of all in law enforcement will be revealed to the public. When you are falsely arrested in this country and you wish to file a complaint you find yourself being told over the phone the words of Sheriff Moore Of Jones county Texas had this officer not been filmed and the film not confiscated and destroyed by fellow cops or a judge the Cop here would be “just doing his job”. Through the ages from the Sheriff of Nottingham till now most badge wearers are criminals that have not been prosecuted. They carry tazers and pepper spray billy club and like a pack of hunting dogs go forth crapping on the law and the citizenry and are honored for it. I believe 260 men have been found to be wrongly prosecuted and freed in Texas alone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

god id ticked

God is ticked at Texas and Oklahoma Abilene in particular because the people claim to represent him but there mouths and there deeds are on opposite ends of that spectrum. They claim God and Jesus on Sunday (which by the way is the wrong day for worship God never un holized the Sabbath ) that was done by the king of Constantinople Constantine "He said we would worship on the venerable day of the Sun(sol Inveticis)  a pagan god. This is why we have had the drouth, fires, and no winter. We are running out of water to drink or make your Slurpee's out of so we will soon have lots of dead people. Go to the Temple and learn of God before you die of thirst and face the lake.

Monday, November 14, 2011

the law and profits

11/14/11 The Law and Profits
I was in a store in my the city close to where I live I said the word sons o bitches and the manager said “Don’t cuss at me” “If you are going to cuss at me go somewhere else”. When you look at the words Cuss at me it is all about him has nothing to do with the words I used. Because this town is such a self proclaimed “Buckle of the B Bible Belt “ I presumed him to be a Christian. Now later when reading Matthew in the bible and I came across this” Matthew 7:12 “There fore,however you want people to treat you,so treat them,this is the law and the profits.”Mr Christian would jump on this and say he did this as he did not want to be cussed at. But he has it backwards according to the example Jesus gave and lived. Jesus was a great roper he threw ropes for people to grasp this man did not and he made it about (me) {him} don’t cuss at “me”. There was a gentile woman wanting Jesus to heal her daughter, Jesus tossed a perfect loop Jesus said it is not right to take the food from the table and give it to the dogs there fore not feeding the children. She caught his loop “But master the dogs eat from the cums that fall from the table.”Jesus said so be it to you your daughter is healed. Not one word of this encounter was about Jesus the son of god.
That is how the Christians turn the do unto others around and make it null and void. I am doing that I do not want to be cussed at,bothered with,have to listen to,and own and on it goes all about the person speaking. Jesus also said in Matthew 9:13 I desire compassion not sacrifice, this is not a full quote but as to the subject at hand we must reach out to the people where they are and not make it about ourselves. What if the person has turrets and cusses like a sewerage mouth but cant help it,or this was what he was raised with cussing would Jesus want the Christian to say “Don't cuss at ME, or you cant come to this church until you stop cussing!!!

the law and profits

11/14/11 The Law and Profits
I was in a store in my the city close to where I live I said the word sons o bitches and the manager said “Don’t cuss at me” “If you are going to cuss at me go somewhere else”. When you look at the words Cuss at me it is all about him has nothing to do with the words I used. Because this town is such a self proclaimed “Buckle of the B Bible Belt “ I presumed him to be a Christian. Now later when reading Matthew in the bible and I came across this” Matthew 7:12 “There fore,however you want people to treat you,so treat them,this is the law and the profits.”Mr Christian would jump on this and say he did this as he did not want to be cussed at. But he has it backwards according to the example Jesus gave and lived. Jesus was a great roper he threw ropes for people to grasp this man did not and he made it about (me) {him} don’t cuss at “me”. There was a gentile woman wanting Jesus to heal her daughter, Jesus tossed a perfect loop Jesus said it is not right to take the food from the table and give it to the dogs there fore not feeding the children. She caught his loop “But master the dogs eat from the cums that fall from the table.”Jesus said so be it to you your daughter is healed. Not one word of this encounter was about Jesus the son of god.
That is how the Christians turn the do unto others around and make it null and void. I am doing that I do not want to be cussed at,bothered with,have to listen to,and own and on it goes all about the person speaking. Jesus also said in Matthew 9:13 I desire compassion not sacrifice, this is not a full quote but as to the subject at hand we must reach out to the people where they are and not make it about ourselves. What if the person has turrets and cusses like a sewerage mouth but cant help it,or this was what he was raised with cussing would Jesus want the Christian to say “Don't cuss at ME, or you cant come to this church until you stop cussing!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

ex navy

11/13/11 Ex Navy
There is a ex navy veteran here in town with HIV positive that if he is telling me the truth makes $6,ooo.oo per month in retirement and disability. It seems that when I post to craigslist rants he tell s me to take my meds. It is interesting that if he is telling me the truth he manipulated the system to get where he is. He told me that a young man he was having sex with went nuts and was taken off of his ship in a straight jacket, but he is going to heaven he says. He also says this was the best thing that could have happened to him the young seaman being taken off the ship in a straight Jacket. He also says after this a member of what he calls the Gay mafia told him to get married if he could and to not play where he got his bread. So he went home married his High school sweetheart and began manipulating the system. He is part owner of a computer thing and from all I have saw thinks he is GOD. He has told me of his god thing and No mercy for anyone because of his sufferings, by the way he was infected before retirement and if he is again not lying would not have gotten his retirement if the United states navy knew.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

pagan holidays

Is a pagan holiday more readily known as winter solstice. It is one of many like Easter that has been made Christian by the Catholic Church and Jesus was not even born on Dec 25. So it is like taking the Good Lord's enmity's birthday and celebrating his birth on this day I am sure Jesus will be real happy about that and real willing to let all those people into heaven along with the lying cops,lying lawyers,lying judges.

Friday, November 4, 2011

law enforcment

11/04/11 Law Enforcement

I was in the presence today of a type of person that can not enter Heaven none of them. I was questioned by a detective no law enforcement people will go to heaven. They must by job description LIE on a daily basis. One of Hashems commandments given to Moses was “You shall not lie” When the F.B.I. caught Whitey Bolder they said on national television we used a “Ruse” to get him out of his apartment. If you look up “Ruse” it equals a Lie. Dr. Carl Breceen at Abilene Christian University in his class marriage and family relations said that when a couple divorce and remarry they because the word in the Bible its“co mitts” a continuing verb, they are constantly guilty of adultery there fore they can't go to heaven. So how can any law enforcement personnel even if he is a elder in his church go there. He is continually lying to people.
Lets look at this with some logic. Let's say that we have a profession in the country as highly lauded as law enforcement ,legal as law enforcement,and as advertized as any sheriff office or police department. This profession is professional murders and they kill people for a living. You want someone killed you call this person give them the information on the person you want dead this murder gets your information and goes does his job. The police show up at the professional murders office and ask if he killed so in so he tells them yes and gives them the information on who hired him or her the police arrest the person who hired the professional murder. This person whose job is killing people for other people is as venerated as the F.B.I. Agent. The people of this profession think that they are going to heaven too. How can they they have a legal job that forces them to break one commandment MURDER. The law enforcement officers have a highly venerated job in our society but the requirement of that job requires breaking one commandment LYING!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

gods town two

10/30/11 “Gods Town Two”
I live near Gods Town Abilene Texas. They have three Christan Universities Abilene Christan University, Harden Simmons University, and Murray University. God knows how many churches and people who profess Christ , there are One hundred Fifteen Thousand Souls here if the signs are are correct. Now in Abilene Texas according to the television station this town is dead last in job creation for the whole United States. I have heard it preached that if a man does not work also let him not eat. I have also heard that it is suppose to be that when you are baptized you become a new person and Jesus/God can be seen through you. So if this is the way a person is would a city not be more so?
So if God said if a man does not work don’t let him eat and “Gods”town is dead last in the united states in Job creation would the view one got of god from Abilene Texas the buckle;e of the bible belt. Would one not think God was rather harsh he does not want you to have a job or to eat. You would think that Abilene would advertizing itself as the buckle of the Bible belt as I heard in Abilene Christian University chapel would be a shinning example of what God wanted. How could he want a man to not eat if he did not work and also want no jobs for him to work??? Kind of a mean God.

gods town


I live close to Gods town “The Buckle of the Bible Belt” Abilene Texas.
We recently had a road rage killing in Abilene in February of 2011 they just completed the trial . The man who shot and killed the other man was given 70 years for murder. So in Texas there use to be lines when you pulled a gun and someone shot you that was self defense! Larry McMurty explained this in his book “Lonesome Dove” and the movie made from it. When Captain Call and August McCray hung Jake Spoon Gus said you crossed the line you ride with a outlaw you die with a outlaw. A judge in Abilene Texas and 12 people did away with those lines. See Christopher North had a gun drawn on him ad was told to get back in his truck. He backed his truck up to push the other guy on the median and stepped out and shot him in the head dead.
Had Gus or Call done the same and they would from the chariters written for them, they would be serving 70 years. Now in the city limits of Abilene if someone breaks into your house crossing a line of long ago and he is armed then you shoot him you must wonder will I be guilty of murder too. So if I am loading your horse in my trailer out of your pasture in the city limits of Abilene Texas am I a thief as of old or should you have had better fences. You see 12 people and one judge by his decisions to keep things from the Jury just rewrote the basic laws of Abilene Texas. They also crossed the Leviticus laws of God Too.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


10/01/11 Our freedoms

We in America have allowed 9 Jackasses and a congress and senate to do exactly what Germany allowed Adolf Hitler to do. It has been the Representative form of government and the judicial branch that have taken our freedoms away! The perfect example of lost rights is my new pickup a 2005 Dodge Dakota when I on my land do not fasten my seat belt I must listen to the ding ding ding of the bell telling me to fasten my belt. I know it is the law to wear your seat belt but on private land going less than 20 miles per hour one should have a switch to cut those things off. Is not the right to Life ,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness the freedom from un wanted sounds? Do you think that the 9 Jackasses on the supreme court would rule such? Why not take all members of Congress an d the 9 Jackasses out to some beautiful spot in America put a bucket over there heads with a hole cut so they can see and a person paid to beat on the bucket all day gently not too loud but annoying enough so they get the Big Picture. It all boils down to money in this case Insurance money that have gotten federal laws passed requiring seat belts and the warning buzzers that go with them BIG MONEY!! Have you ever heard or been to a five dollar per plate fund raiser for a politician, no and you never will one hundred to five thousand a plate yes and who can afford these dinners? Insurance companies,movie companies, oil companies,lawyers,and doctors.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Judges,Law Enforcement,Attornies

09/19/11 Judaical system police,prosecutor,attorneys

We have in the recent month witnesses all of us that pay attention to the news thee adults admit to murdering 3 children so they could be set free from prison in Arkansas. This in it self says any where that there are police,judges,attorneys,you will be shafted by these crooked bastards. When you see a policeman,state trooper,ranger, judge ,attorney you are seeing a totally non honest amoral person. When Whitey Boljer was captured the F.B.I. Said that they used a “Ruse” to get him out of his apartment a 85 year old man that his neighbors said exhibited sighs of dementia. Ruse is a word for “Lie” just as disinformation is a word for “Lie”. What is more against the idea of law and order than a lying law enforcement officer this is the first missing bricks that bring down the building of Upstanding,good,right and all words associated with Law Enforcement. If these people are professional liars,”rushers” “Disinformation” then they are to be despised and not trusted. I know from my own hard learned experience if you believe “Joe Cop” you will find your body behind bars without legal cause. These adults that spent much time in Arkansas Prison system for a murder that even the parents think they are innocent were forced into admission of guilt in order to get there freedom. There is a prosecutorial person and cops investigators that have turned a blinde eye to the real purportator and should themselves be locked away when the real killer strikes again.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Muslims at work on there agenda and Obama is Muslim

Police on the scene at Playland on Tuesday (Norman Y. Lono for NY Daily News)

Rye Playland was shut down Tuesday after cops scuffled with Muslims upset that women wearing head scarves were barred from the rides, witnesses said.
Fifteen people, including three women, were charged with disorderly conduct and assault in the chaos, authorities said.
The Westchester County park was packed with Muslims celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr -  the holiday marking the end of the Islamic holy month ofRamadan.
One woman, Entisai Ali, began arguing with cops over the amusement park's head scarf, or hijab, rule, said Dena Meawad, 18, of Bay RidgeBrooklyn.
The ban, which is not Muslim specific, was imposed about 3 years ago mostly to prevent hats from falling onto the tracks of roller coasters and other rides, park officials said.
"The cops started getting loud with her and she started getting loud, too. They pushed her on the ground and arrested her," Meawad said.
Her cousin, Kareem Meawad, 17, went to try to protect the woman and was beaten by cops and also arrested, she added. Her brother, Issam Meawad, 20, was pushed to the ground and taken into custody when he tried to help his cousin, she said.
"She just wanted to get on a ride. That was it," Dena Meawad said of the initial confrontation. "It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim."
John Hodges, chief inspector of Westchester County Public Safety, insisted that police did not use excessive force.
He said up to 100 cops from surrounding departments converged on the park.
Two park rangers were injured in the melee, prompting felony assault charges against two people arrested, officials said.
The ugly incident happened just after 1 p.m. The event was organized by the Muslim American Society of New York, and attracted 3,000 Muslims from Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Westchester County.
Ali's sister, Ayman Alrabah, 24, of Brooklyn said her husband, brother and father were all tackled by cops and put into handcuffs when they tried to help her sister.
Alrabah said she was unaware of the head-scarf rule until she and her sister tried to get on the park's Dragon Coasters.
"We requested a refund and all of a sudden an argument became a riot," Alrabah said. "Cops came. They were hitting my brother, my dad. My husband was on the floor and they were handcuffing him.
She said her 4-year-old son was "traumatized" by seeing his father arrested.
"They treated us like animals, like we were nothing," Alrabah said. "They came with their dogs and sticks. We came to have fun."
'It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim,' says Dena Meawad. (Norman Y. Lono for NY Daily News)
The park was closed for about two hours because of the fracas. It reopened at about 6 p.m.
Peter Tartaglia, deputy commissioner of Westchester County Parks, said the Muslim American Society of New York was warned in advance of the rule barring head scarves on rides for safety reasons.
"Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."
Many Muslims were given refunds as they left the park disappointed.
"In this heightened state of Islamaphobia, a woman wearing a hajib is an easy target these days," said Zead Ramadan, president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations - New York. "Unfortunately, this turned ugly due to a lot of miscommunication."
Photos: Top: Police respond to Rye Playland on Tuesday (Norman Y. Lono for NY Daily News)
Bottom: 'It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim,' says Dena Meawad. (Norman  Y. Lono for NY Daily News)
Read more at New York Daily News online >

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Islam - 23 : Sadly, this is Islam in a Nutshell
This is really scary!
Adapted from  Dr. Peter Hammond's book:
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat

Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.
Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
Here's how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States - Muslim 0.6%
Australia - Muslim 1.5%
Canada - Muslim 1.9%
China - Muslim 1.8%
Italy - Muslim 1.5%
Norway - Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
Denmark - Muslim 2%
Germany - Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom - Muslim 2.7%
Spain - Muslim 4%
Thailand - Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.  For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby
securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves - along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France - Muslim 8%
Philippines - 5%
Sweden - Muslim 5%
Switzerland - Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands - Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago - Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of  complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections in:
Guyana - Muslim 10%
India - Muslim 13.4%
Israel - Muslim 16%
Kenya - Muslim 10%
Russia - Muslim 15%
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia - Muslim 32.8%
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia - Muslim 40%
Chad - Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon - Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania - Muslim 70%
Malaysia - Muslim 60.4%
Qatar - Muslim 77.5%
Sudan - Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run  ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh - Muslim 83%
Egypt - Muslim 90%
Gaza - Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia - Muslim 86.1%
Iran - Muslim 98%
Iraq - Muslim 97%
Jordan - Muslim 92%
Morocco - Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan - Muslim 97%
Palestine - Muslim 99%
Syria - Muslim 90%
Tajikistan - Muslim 90%
Turkey - Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates - Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' - the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan - Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia - Muslim 100%
Somalia - Muslim 100%
Yemen - Muslim 100%
Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.
'Before I was nine, I had learned the basic canon of Arab life.  It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; the tribe against the world, and all of us against the infidel. - Leon Uris, 'The Haj'
It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities.  In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrasses. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death. Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists exercise more power than the national average would indicate.
Today's 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world's population. But their birth rates dwarf the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will exceed 50% of the world's population by the end of this century.
Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the henhouse. The wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama appoints two devout Muslims to Homeland Security posts. Doesn't this make you feel safer already?
Obama and Janet Napolitano appoint Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as  Assistant Secretary for Policy Development.
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a devout Catholic, a devout Jew or a devout Protestant...? Just wondering.
Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? Doesn't this make you feel safer already? That should make the US' homeland much safer, huh!
Was it not "Devout Muslim men" that flew planes into U.S. buildings 8 years ago?
Was it not a Devout Muslim who killed 13 at Fort Hood?
Also: This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. Can a good Muslim be a good American?
This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:
Theologically - no ... Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia
Religiously? no? Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
Scripturally - no? Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically ? no? Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially - no? Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews...
Politically - no? Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically - no? Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34)
Intellectually - no? Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically - no? Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.  Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually - no?  Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS
in this country. - They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans.
Call it what you wish, it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand.
Can a muslim be a good soldier?
Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, opened fire at Ft. Hood and Killed 13. He is a good Muslim!
Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.
Are you being a watchman over your family or just another head in the sand because you would rather stay out of all this mess? Time to be somewhat "political" and put a stop to what can happen to America, to you, your family and friends.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

government regulation

08/30/11 Government Regulations
I was talking to a painter and I said how does E.P.A. Affect you guys. He told me that the law now says any building built before 1978 all persons must have a course in Led Based Paint. The course cost 1400 dollars per person and 45 hours to take it. Now this means every man on the job or woman and the fine is significant he said.
This is a example of how government regulation runs up the cost of doing business and makes companies reluctant to hire people. Now whether every building built before 1978 is covered in led based paint or not it would seem to me a simple sample or two maybe 1,000 samples tested at a lab might be cheaper on the painting company,plumbing company,electrical contractor,general contractor,roofing contractor and the list goes on and on and on. So when Wal Mart say abandons a building built before 1978 instead of remodeling it becomes cheaper to build new. All of these things are keeping us in this hole we are in now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the wand

08/24/11 The Magic Wand
Roy Clark sang a song about how his youth was a magic wand and he used it unwisely. I am 56 now and 5 failed marriages a couple of live togethers that went south. I feel like I have used my Magic wand of my youth unwise too. But I have found out there is a line of demarcation and once crossed no woman wants you. I have even looked at the same sex people and the line is there below 40 after 40 no one wants you !! So the marriage laws should stop at 40.All of the online dating people politely tell you “I am looking for someone younger. Or you are a little too old” some other line like this. So I guess if you want to do your life it must be before 40. Now because I am so old I wonder if my next big project should be digging my last resting place,.I think I have at least 30 more years left good peaceful loving years. I do not think I will start that final project because I want to be cremated and scattered like my brain.

Friday, August 19, 2011

my life

08/19/11 My life
I had a dream last night that Is expressive of my feelings towards my parents. In the dream I am talking to someone about what we had to do to get a new tire for a police cruiser under a shop foreman there named Bill one of my fathers friends .My dad in the dream said Bill should have fired you I replied to dad I wished you had rolled over and shot me on the wall. People will say this is outright Hatred and it may be. I had Toxic parents and a wonderful toxic life without much encouragement. Marshall my little brother was their golden boy. There is a book that says “Honor your father and mother that you may live long in the land. Fathers do not provoke your children to anger.”
My dream expresses hatred toward my parents but is not hatred and anger from the same emotion? The Jews hated the Nazis so much that they are still hunting them even though they are in there early 100's. You cant even use the word Negro because of the hatred associated with it . In Spanish the word Negro is Black La pantaloons’s negra. The black pants. In German it is Niger for black. I still remember a old movie starring Sammy Davis Jr in which the Germans have infiltrated American lines and in American uniforms. Mr Davis will not let a car load of American Officers come past him because they do not know the pass word . One of the officers said finally get out of our way you filthy Niger Mr Davis arrested the imposters. Someone ask him how did he know he laughed and said you will never understand. It was the Nazi Hatred and anger toward Black men that caught them.
Funny my brother calls mother every day but only once a month does he come see her. I see her more often and come when she calls but I do not call often. Jesus himself said Father why have thou forsaken me? So even the son of God must have to have known this feeling so I can be forgiven.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


08/17/11 Busness
My sister in law fell at the Sam's Club in Abilene Texas. She broke a bone had a ambulance ride xrays and whatever else. My mother said that Sams paid for nothing that they could find no lawyer in Abilene Texas that would take their law suit, all they wanted was to be paid for there loss. I know that if a business is so strong that it can and does get away with things than it is injustice. It also gives the Antibusiness groups reason for there ferver.Walmart recently won or stopped the massive classs action suit .A intelegent person must ask is Walmart's Billions buying Lawyers,Judges ,other officials to there advantage? Television is covered with comeercials from Lawyers Firms advertizing to take you suit probono to fight you varous medical cases but you never hear one adverstizing to suie Walmart Target and other large buisness is it because these groups hire the best,most and keep a legal wall that is unbreachable? One other point all of these Lawers adveertizing are there too many too hungry for the avalable business that they creat little rules to there advantages. My public television is covered by Bankruptcy lawyers and other advertising for services.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


08/04/11 There are things we can change and things we cant change.
Everyone living in the United states knows that the Mississippi and the rivers to the north flood every few years. Everyone with a good knowledge knows that there is lands to the west in Texas,New Mexico,Arizona and the country to the north that needs water to grow food. We know that there are people coming on two years out of work and we need to boost our economy. Why not put pumps on these rivers and pump the excess water to the west where it is needed for food production..In the last depression we built Hoover Dam and changed the west why not save millions of farms in the mid west with pumps and pipelines. They could also build the houses off the ground or build earthen platforms encased in concrete so in the next flood there will not be flooded water mixing with oil and diesel. We could get the best engineers together and build ultra modern refineries so we can refine our own natural gas and crude oil. This would reduce the price of gasoline and make us more independent. There has not been a brand new refinery built in 30 plus years thanks to the environmentalist they will take all of these suggestions to court to get a judge to rule against them. The “Nature Conservancy”wants America like it was when the first Indians saw the first ships approach and kept that way.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


08/02/11 Judges
Unless you are one of the many people that believe Casey Anthony should be killed for the death of her daughter and that the jury got it wrong,there fore our judical system failed. Then you must relize our judges have way too much power. If this judge in Florida has his way Casey Anthony will be put in harms way and the jury's verdict nulified by one judge.If this happens and she is brought back to serve probation and she is killed by a citizen,it seems to me not the citizen but this judge should be tried for her murder,because he will have used the person who kills her and their method to pass his own judgment around a duley seated jury and trial. Most people believe that if Casey Anthony is made to do this probation she could be harmed. My question to this judge is who is he going to order to hire her, if Florida is still a free society no company has to hire her there.Who will he order to let her rent from them,if Florida is a free society no land lord has to by any law rent to her. Most important how will he guarantee her safety?

Sunday, July 31, 2011


07/31/11 Dating
There are many many sights on the Internet advertizing free dating. From these words one would think that if one were to sigh up he or she would be able to contact members or the sex one wished for hook up. Some of these souls probably are lonely and seeking relief. There is one sight that I after reading a article in this months “Penthouse” about women that are in wheel chairs which I have for some time have been interested in,contacted this sight and once again found that I must UPGRADE(pay money) to contact these people. Now they have Gold members but even these members cant be contacted by not UPGRADED people. I guess most of the internet is the largest rip off of money in the world and will never be regulated.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Jesus Hair

07/29/11Jesus Hair
I Google Scissors and they were invented in the BC which is Before Christ the Romans had perfected the pivot scissors like the ones we use by 100 A.D. In all of the portrayals of Jesus he is pictured with shoulder length hair,why no barbers,no scissors why. I was a child in the 60 when Long hair was a rebellion most men had there hair cut short military style. I am 56 and my hair is collar length for the first time in my life just like Jesus is pictured. I just wondered why we have the pictures of Jesus with long hair shoulder length and yet in the 1960's it was considered “Hippie” rebellion. Is Jesus the leader of the biggest rebellion in the history of man? He after came into this world a simple Jew and died a simple Jew.