Sunday, November 20, 2011


11/20/11 Police
Seems every once and a while a Cop of some sort shows all of us that all police are just thugs with badges and guns. There was one who was filmed spraying pepper spray on college students. I know from my own experience and the words of Sheriff Larry Moore of Jones county Texas that law enforcement feels like this to quote Sheriff Moore “He was just doing his job you can't file a complaint on him. If these demonstrations do nothing else perhaps the true color of all in law enforcement will be revealed to the public. When you are falsely arrested in this country and you wish to file a complaint you find yourself being told over the phone the words of Sheriff Moore Of Jones county Texas had this officer not been filmed and the film not confiscated and destroyed by fellow cops or a judge the Cop here would be “just doing his job”. Through the ages from the Sheriff of Nottingham till now most badge wearers are criminals that have not been prosecuted. They carry tazers and pepper spray billy club and like a pack of hunting dogs go forth crapping on the law and the citizenry and are honored for it. I believe 260 men have been found to be wrongly prosecuted and freed in Texas alone.

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