Monday, November 25, 2019

Go to Jesus by ground beef

I will from now on buy my meat from a store. hunting is frivolous activity according to my family! Well every time I buy a 20 lbs large roll of ground beef. I am told on the news Salmonella recall, iron shaving is it, or plastic in it. Perhaps I will be blessed & go to Jesus by ground beef!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

fucking humans

PSYCHO CYBERNETICS Marshall my brother brought me a copy, Mother told him to do this! The book hits all humans SPOT ON a lady had “Perfect Plastic Surgery but when she looked in the mirror she saw the same flawed face! Self Image the Doctor said SPOT ON CORRECT. Parents Teachers Class mates Sunday School Teachers and COMMUNITY. Community every human in contact with this human. Tough love, lazy, punish them, they can do this they just don’t want to, LIGHT A FIRE UNDER THEM AND THEY WILL MOVE! This is the way I grew up all those were done to ME. I AM NOT IMPORTANT so this is not about ME.
A teacher approaches a child with a shotgun in school hugs the child, child says NO HUMAN UNDERSTANDS! HOW ABOUT A CONGRESSIONAL METAL OF HONOR FOR THIS TEACHER! This is important all of the things mentioned above “COMMUNITY & FAMILY will not understand, THEY SHAPE MAKE THE SELF IMAGE. I was laughed at by class mates &Teachers & CHURCH, I will always see the worthless unloved human. This child might as well have used the shotgun on itself. Community only wants to punish & cage this child. Its parents will shame distance themselves berate him Law enforcement Physiologist AGAINST THIS HUMAN CHILD! If it offs itself same old shit HE WAS ALWAYS OFF, NOT QUITE RIGHT, STRANGE, CRAY IDEAS, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! HOW MANY humans with learning disabilities Autism, Dyslexia or consider slow, FACE THIS DAILY. I don’t know but I can tell you how long it last 65 years and counting!

Cop pulls over his own wife- HILARIOUS!! | Dude Dad

When the IN-LAWS are coming to visit | Dude Dad

When the IN-LAWS are coming to visit | Dude Dad

My husband be like... | Dude Dad

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Abbott & Costello "Who's On First"


Is NBC correct in saying NOW new evidence and this thing go to the Senate? If so all Senators will not be able to campaign. They were not suppose to while a Impeachment is going on! Fuck DEMOCRATS subject to no law

Sunday, November 17, 2019

There's a NEW REASON Liberals Are PANICKING over Ruth Bader Ginsburg!!!


BILL GATES & all compurtedom RULES IF HUMAN DELETES ANY FILE OR FOLDER ANYWHERE THAT OUR SOFT WEAR REACHES ALL HIS PHOTOS FILE FOLDER GO BYE BYE! I am laughed at because, I think this is like you want to remove an old paper photo in your family photo album. BILL GATES AND ALL COMPUTERDOM says throw the whole damn album out! COMPUTERS EVERY SOFT WEAR SYSTEM NEEDS regulation(LAUGHING AT JESSE L GREEN) BUT electrical product are regulated, NFL has same rules all over(REGULATION)!! Traffic lights red on top yellow in middle green on bottom EVERY WHERE IN USA! Bill gates traffic lights should be yellow on top red at the bottom green in the middle. Steve Jobs traffic lights should be green,yellow & green then red on the bottom. DAMMIT HALF OF ABILENE TEXAS IS STEVE JOBS THE OTHER HALF BILL GATES! more laughter by computer people HU HU I don't see your point, WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! change the traffic lights and you will!

Friday, November 15, 2019

I posted this on Facebook so jail time again

Facebook Jail again fro posting this. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ENFORCE 1ST AMENDMENT. Shot Facebook google And amazon down., these three are the internet


This impeachment circus it the smoke screen to take humans minds off Epstein AND DEMO RATS. Bill Clinton who there is solid evidence shows he was there not in jail or under indictment?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Impeach HELL

TRUMP EVIL GUILTY! Bill Clinton Pedophile island we have proof he was there we have proof that children under age were used for SEX. Bill Clinton did not rescue 1 or call law enforcement! NO IMPEACHMENT UNTIL CLINTON is behind bars

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Credit unions must now be owned by banks

First Abilene Federal Credit union! I use to pay my bills on computer! No more some dickhead UP GRADED the computer banking! I GET A MESSAGE DUE TO THE HIGH CALL VOLUME did my bills get paid or not will when i correct this in person DOUBLE DIP. THIS IS SUNDAY NIGHT AT 6.26 pm! HIGH CALL VOLUME! Who bought this credit union out? Are all Credit unions in Abilene NOW OWNED BY A BANKING MEGA MONOPOLY! now a battle with SSI and VA when and If I find another banking venue!

Facebook needs Over site or complete shutdown

every human who is put in Facebook jail should call their congress person senator. Tell them what you said why Facebook pulled your post. Why they said you were against their community standards.When this happens 75% ot the time Facebook will be shut down by government over site. I was put in Jail for asking “Has anyone heard anything about Jerry Epstein & Pedophile Island? The impeachment is the smoke scree to cover this investigation. FACEBOOK SAYS HATE SPEECH

The entire web

Googled Up to date on California wild fires. Last week 2 years ago but today must be no fires in California. We The people need to demand a total completer destruction of the Al Gore, Facebook, Google internet. Then build from chip one up. Any website LOG IN WITH FACEBOOK LOG IN WITH GOOGLE! These tow are the World wide Web. Is there no Yahoo or Mozilla or any other internet site that could be used to log in with? NO Facebook and Google are the web!