Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poop for Brains

12/21/11 Poop for Brains
It dawned on my while thinking of my former religion The Church Of Christ. They say worship on the 1st day of the week Sunday. I am talking to a official Church Of Christ preacher and he says Sunday from sundown Saturday night till sundown Sunday night being Sunday in response to my telling him that I keep the Sabbath from sundown Friday till sundown Saturday the Sabbath.
Now mind you Hashem (god) instituted the Sabbath in Genesis 1st chapter when it says on the 6th day God rested. Now Jesus his son said all through his ministry on earth keep the Sabbath and follow the commandments. When in the New Testament when Paul (Saul of Tarsus) and Peter were trying to figure out what to tell the Gentiles non Jews they said keep the Sabbath and the commandments.
This sudden change to Sunday is like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints changing to water and bread instead of wine or grape juice. There explanation is that none Mormons were going to poison the wine so God told Joseph Smith to use water for the blood of Jesus. How many thousand years was “The Sabbath” kept and then changed suddenly. Does not make sense until you study history there you find Constitine King of Constantinople who said we will worship on the venerable day of the Sun , “Sunday”. So like the Mormons I think the Christians are thinking with Poop not brains.
A very recent example of people with Poop for Brains is the group of 900 that followed a guy named Jim Jones. In the movie about him Powers Booth who portrayed him throws a Bible down and says who is your faith in that or me. Well like those people who will all be in the lake of fire for their folly. Will not the Christians worshiping on “Sunday” instead of Saturday or the 6 day Sabbath. God has killed Thousands of people for disobedience. His son Jesus “The Christ” said wide is the road that leads to destruction and many on that road narrow is the road to heaven and few that find it. Does such statements mean that millions like those followers of Jim Jones will end badly, I believe so.

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