Sunday, November 27, 2011

Police Law enforcment

The law enforcement community has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt if you have watched or read off of the internet recent goings on in various towns across America that they are ALL OF THEM are the enemy. They will shot you 71 times as the did a ex marine in Arizona or kick a pregnant woman in the belly and pepper spray her till she miscarries (murder legal because police officer did it). A 80 year old woman bashed in her teeth. All this because of orders and they (the people attacked by police are criminals) nothing has changed since Martin Luther King,Ganda and our own revolution who ever is in authority becomes the abusers of the people this goes back to Rome. Our police,state troopers,rangers, and whatever names they go by have joined the ranks of the dreaded. In the famous words of sheriff Larry Moore of Jones County Texas "you can't complain he was just doing his job" When the people finally have had enough in the words of G Gordon Liddy aim for the head,or knee caps,or elbows,or hands then pepper spray there eyes out. Remember they have no mercy nor empathy you when the order is received are less than poop on a $600 dollar boot.

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