Friday, July 29, 2011

Jesus Hair

07/29/11Jesus Hair
I Google Scissors and they were invented in the BC which is Before Christ the Romans had perfected the pivot scissors like the ones we use by 100 A.D. In all of the portrayals of Jesus he is pictured with shoulder length hair,why no barbers,no scissors why. I was a child in the 60 when Long hair was a rebellion most men had there hair cut short military style. I am 56 and my hair is collar length for the first time in my life just like Jesus is pictured. I just wondered why we have the pictures of Jesus with long hair shoulder length and yet in the 1960's it was considered “Hippie” rebellion. Is Jesus the leader of the biggest rebellion in the history of man? He after came into this world a simple Jew and died a simple Jew.

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