Monday, December 31, 2018
Friday, December 28, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
robo calls
SOMEONE! MONEY, business calling your cell to sale you crap you don't want. (human I know thinks this is just fine business doing business). Political parties calling your cell. Don't answer don't end the ringing with rejecting the call. Any action but letting the ringer ring sending call to voice mail: SHOUTS SOMEBODY IS THERE, keep trying. These people buy a block of cell numbers they are local numbers! I do not answer my phone unless I recognize the number. These folks are like the human I know it is just business nothing wrong at all. They are not going away. Hospitals, VA, insurance and the like must learn to leave a voice mail, unless the number has a name like VA or Hendricks or PTA anything like this. NO CALL LIST just toilette paper not worth having this list
Sunday, December 9, 2018
I SO very much pray that the Democrats ,Media and Hollywood and the elitist win and Trump is impeached locked up, BUT IT AIN'T FOR WHY YOU THINK. IF this happens what is now happening in France will here be sooner to happen. People think Muller and the democrats are reasonable YES if you want what they want!
This bunch wanting Trump gone is a "WHATEVER IT TAKES" group history is full of such most came to a bad end google Mussolini and his final photos. Then and only them maybe the people will wake up like the French have !
This bunch wanting Trump gone is a "WHATEVER IT TAKES" group history is full of such most came to a bad end google Mussolini and his final photos. Then and only them maybe the people will wake up like the French have !
Friday, December 7, 2018
Here is how it is said about me by one or two "I AM . But my wants compared to many are not too much I wanted 1. a career a long term JOB 2. a wife lifelong die in each others arm's 3. children 4. a place to hunt and fish on. Now a dry extra room & a porch. I AM A NARCISSIST GUILTY God end me and sent me to your hell for my ultimate evil. Asking you God why I was born alive to JW green & Johan Rushing Green alive NOT just take my soul leave the rest in a turd pile. Asking why years of unloved and abuse by these too and many other humans NOT just take my soul and leave the rest in a true pile. GUILTY GUILTY PLEASE JUDGE ME and put my body where the hog's coyotes ants bugs will finish the work. Perhaps then i will have done one small thing for this universe AND MAYBE for you God. is tonight too much to ask for my end ?? Hashem (god)
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Hashem be praised (god) he blessed me and burdened me to. I have became a new father or step father. I am as scared and unsure as when I delivered my daughter in the hospital under doctors guidance. This from a 63 year old male who raised orphan sheep, rabbits, dogs Lord only knows how many calves I helped deliver. But yet again a blessing a wonder. NOW Hashem(god) help an old horseman, bronc rider , Marine, And Christ loving failure, to do a better job this time.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
If Trump failed worse than any other president, but got the daylight savings time stopped and the damn sales calls to my phone. TRUMP would be the greatest human to ever live except for Jesus.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
I are Retarded I are 63 to. Yet again just like all election cycles before this one, damn it is HISTORIC, MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN our lifetime or this ELECTION will determine who we are, and this ELECTION will change for the better or the worse our nation! As I said I are Retarded and I are 63. I am sure you perfect computer people will laugh at this and ME. You young ones will pass this off as a old one foot in the grave the other one on the top of the ladder leading into that grave! Hashem (GOD) guide this nation or destroy this nation as you see fit, My prayer.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
not your friend
WAKE UP WORLD! The internet, Facebook and other posting places ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. There is a page on Tumblr titled "Mortgaged Future" showing nude women mostly, POINT IS this will come back to bite her butt. Post your and your child playing some human sees this objects Child Protective Services will visit, NO MONEY FOR LAWYER good by children. Post photos of a firearm someone is watching and if that someone is anti gun, you live in a state where 1 report by a human of FEAR OR OBJECTION of any kind. Here come your friendly Law Enforcement (THEY OWN GUNS) law officer shoots you bye to your body, bye to your family's mental health. Law officer acquitted AFTER YOU HAD GUNS the law officer feared for his life Or law officer saw a gun in your hand!
Well I don't because fools that are democrats voting democrats want this caravan to be let in here and given welfare, medical care, housing, and all other things FROM our Taxes. Hell those in life boats from the Titanic knew they could not overload the boat or they would sink. Guess brains don't now work that well in USA now.
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Damn computers my android "Google" phone now tells me that I cant have my screen that bright it may harm my eyes. Just get it the hell over, implant the chip in every newborn that makes the Google Or Microsoft controllable
computer programmers & inventors
Computer people programmers and inventors(they think god himself would have a heart attack IF they made a mistake) Well these genius are so smart they will not invent a device machine program that will remove all photos from an SD card! god may they spend eternity in a room with SD cards from game cameras who have photos from two years ago. May they spend that eternity forever deleting unwanted photos one at a time.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
carting corn
Well 63 years young flooded road, no 4 wheeler as they call them(they don't tear up roads as bad as pickup's) no horses. So my back and sholdures ( GOD you gave ma a non spelling that is incompatible with these computer spell checks. THAT are like all computers you sir would die of a heart attack before these machines could be wrong.) I will be carring them on my body!! Please God remove my life from this earth
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
HAT WOULD JESUS DO? WWJD on many bumper stickers have not saw any recently. I was called lots of unflattering names. I have ADD have literally said Good morning to a human and pissed them off. So this morning I am slapped in the face for not agreeing with someones post. The post said with photo this teacher had sexual relations with her students! My guess and bet would be that the human complaining about my disagreement is a WWJD human. My question would this J (Jesus Christ) in this acronym would he call her a SLUT. Jesus own words and actions say NO. The lady caught in the act of adultery hauled out of bed NAKED brought before Jesus surrounded by men (also very religious) wanting Jesus permission to stone her to death. I guess I must have read this wrong "Jesus must have said stone the SLUT". My reading fails to uncover this action of Jesus so in alignment with this human calling this teacher a "SLUT". Sorry I thought Jesus said "Where are your accusers. She replied they have left. Then Jesus said neither do I condemn you". Well the other line, even Jesus REAL words to the Religious men about He who is without sin toss the first rock, can be left totally out. YET JESUS actions shine and words shine through! Why are the religious even today among the ROCK throwing bunch?
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
My surfing the net I look at all kinds of things. Christians and most of Americans will not look at these things. I understand the smallest trickle helps the flood! We have invited welcomed COMBAT AGED MALES in Europe and the USA (refugees). The Dalai Lama said they should return to there lands. One of those trickles is sexual things about white and it mentions Catholic women Muslim Law not being able to say no sexually to Muslim men. These trickles lots of them are preparation for MUSLIM LAW like this. Propaganda overlooked because it is SEXUAL with smiling white women and captioned! GOD HELP THE MORONIC EUROPEAN LANDS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Thursday, October 4, 2018
My friends in Facebook world I AM BLESSED! BUT my debits are great to. Think about not being able to hear the correct sounds like S or Z which I misspell regularly. I AM RETARDED in many ways by people making fun(hell in high and grade school it was JUST DAMN meanness). But when your own parents continue this. Let's just say I ask Hashem(God) to kill me daily. I learned more math from my grand father Jesse Rushing playing Dominoes than my mother and all school teachers in High School & Grade school combined. Yes My math skills are little BUT my mother called me a moron teaching me my multiplication tables. CAN YOU EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HOW AT 1ST GRADE THIS AFFECTS YOU! A physcrisist said this is like Hashem(God) he said telling you are worthless. HOW WOULD YOU LIVE if GOD spoke that to you and you knew it was the creator saying that! God does not make junk TO HELL HE DOES NOT HE MADE ME!
Friday, September 21, 2018
Freedom of press of speech
Any human besides myself have a problem with a video on Facebook and you want to keep the picture or the words, YOU CAN"T! You take a photo with your camera so you can have it. Or you wish to share the video on a non Suckerburg venue again you can't! How is this lawful ok when we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and FREEDOM OF INFORMATION? Guess these do not apply to internet or Mark Zuckerburg OR any other internet venue!!!!! The dictatorial monster is the big Tech companies and there money. They can get laws to have humans chipped without consent or knowlege. Just hide in a bill somewhere The Whores in Washington DC (Congress) will do this with a wink and money accepted as they have in the modern times on most anything!!!
Monday, September 17, 2018
Old Joe
Kavanugh must go for a female he felt up. He is a high school rapist! But there is old Joe Biden by name many photos of his fondling children and ladies too. Old Joe is Ok though so he must stay to molest again. Now Kavanugh he is an evil prick and must pay. But old Joe he must stay run for president in 2020 RIDE in like that molester on the white horse to one again show the world the morality of the superior democrats!
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
I bet that Microsoft,Amazon, Google, Facebook & other tech giants are in collision cahoots. Their grouped like the Trust of the 1920" or earlier which got anti trust laws passed. These control what you find and where you find it. So Amazon say has a contract with Google and Facebook to turn all searches for things to AMAZON! Google and Facebook control information along with Twitter! Just like those Trust want oil products STANDARD OIL had it all wrapped up. Just like the sugar trust and on on! But Congress is nothing bur whores prostitutes for the money these provide. So probably there are no antitrust laws
CBS(complete bull shit) 100% prof that"FAKE NEWS" is a pre Trump. Proclaiming this storm the most powerful to EVER hit the Carolina's: HUGO CBS lies but Trump is a prick for exposing this !
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Big Blue Wave
The Big Blue wave is
coming in November. If there was a way to publicly be sure not 1
Democrat vote was cast. The Big Blue Wave would still look like a
wipe out! I have read where voters are handed Democrat only ballots
because they are told is a problem with their voter registration! The
Anti Trump Democrat Soros And Globalist are going to make sure the
Big Blue Wave happens. Then President Trump will be the first
president ever to be impeached on the 25th amendment! Once
this happens the aforementioned people will remove ALL Future
Presidents they disagree with. They will use it to remove any
president that makes a difference.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
GOOD MORNING world. What a wonderful delightful day. By the way has anyone noticed the Circus in town this morning. Very wonderful circus with ring master Corey Booker. Feachering the Clown Mr Anonymous & the Anti Trump clowns too!
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Mullar and Democrats
Muller will go after them raiding their offices in Russia Collusion. Then chase every friend and family they have causing ungodly high legal cost! Breaking them like the others he has done in this case. This man is Damn Gestapo or KGB or any other totalitarian government man! Beating people down money wise and threatening families. Democrats are proud of this behavior. This makes DEMOCRATS the enemy of civility, freedom. I wish that every human cheering this man on finds themselves in a situation similar.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
God help USA
Hashem (God) would yo do this universe the blessing of destroying earth. All I see and hear are mean, hateful, Controlling humans wanting my land to be whatever. But The voters like me do not want this. My president is surrounded by One World Government One World Religions ARMY OF ROBOTS. These will stop at nothing untill Trump is out of office any way they can do it. They wish this because Trumps Vice president will fold to their commands like a soaked piece of paper. This Texan sees that ALL the presidents before were of the SAME PARTY WITH THE SAME GOAL!! Hashem (god) help this nation & my pick for president to be triumphant over these robots of ONE.
Monday, September 3, 2018
The Enemy
When will Us citizens not realize that the words of Patton which got him in trouble but were true; Democrats & Nazis same thing exactly! Control Lying AND Propaganda! The Democrat Party as the new Black Panthers now understand ((an interview I saw is this basis for this statement) ARE the ENEMY period! Look Net Neutrality (democrat wording and idea) exactly opposite of what the word means. Free Trade (democrat) exactly opposite, SCREW the USA and its workers so other countries can profit!!
Net Control
MY Facebook page is like check it on any day next day most of it is the same (THIS ZUCKERBURG CONTROL) is it the same for others? I go to the computer and the net for DIVERSITY( new things new ideas new information) but no more! Zuckerburg owns how many sights on the internet? Net neutrality (zuckerburg CONTROL)! My prayer Hashem (god) is for someone to get a competing Facebook/ Twitter sights on this Neutral Net
Friday, August 24, 2018
Dictatorship by party
Stupid Americans like Me that vote republican have not figured out Mullah(muller) WON already. Trump can stay BUT no human with love for anyone will run again unless Democrat approved. Dictatorship by party!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Next election how about the DNC publish those they will accept as our representatives & President. They are doing this right now. With Mullah and his tactics. If a human with the power Mullah has comes to you and tells you he will hound your children and friends and the rest of you family UNLESS! Dammit hold up your hand if you are a parent and will do even sex acts to protect your children!!!! Dammit this Mullah is SS KGB
Mullah aka Muller
Americans are super dumb people! hell Mullah and his witch hunt are not about Trump NEVER WAS. The goal is to destroy the Republican party! When Mullah's gets trump out of office we become exactly like USSR. One party dictator ship. Look at Mullah's colloidal dammage all the family and friend he has broken money wise.Mullah's tactics are kill a fly with a hand grenade in a house full of people. Yes Fly killed and people shell shocked and scarred those who live. It is just the Republican Party, AKA people who want different than the democrats and their people.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Put me in Hell
I understand why my thinking is OFF. windows Pictures the top one is quick access the lower down is this computer. So WHEN I do not pay attention and the "this computer" is highlighted ONLY BILL GATES KNOWS WHERE IT WENT! there is NO routing around this or cut off switch for the pictures"this computer"! Now we have bells dingers on pickups trucks that may be used in a rural non highway non city areas. There is no DAMN cut off switch. A hunter or photographer gets out the damn bell runs all animals OFF. Pleas take me off this planet even if I end up in HELL there will not be these kinds of arguments!
Beto Island, Tarawa! Now there is another Beto running for US Senate in Texas. By God Texans better head this forewarning
talk about Russia Talk about Turkey, hell this USA has been and is now being EXACTLY like the! People murdered for being witness to Clinton Crime. The Democrats taking down an elected official by hook or crook. Will they do the JFK, MLK treatment if this fails??
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
STUPID STUPID! Russian hacking US elections and everybody looses their lunch. Democrats wanting to allow ENCOURAGE non citizens to vote is copecentric. Dead people voting OK! give me a break!!
Monday, August 20, 2018
Training camps
Americans MORONS: training camp exposed to train children to do school shootings! NOT 1 parent or teacher group saying anything! This camp we know about how many do we not know about, like the snake you don't see is the one that bites YOU. Again like snakes the one you see how many more did you miss seeing. SILENCE WHY????
Sunday, August 19, 2018
I pray that there is no blue wave. I pray that people see the good Trump has done. I pray that people realize the news has always been bull shit lies. We have learned, sources close to the president, my sources tell me!! never naming the authors of their bull shit!
I hope if Trump is ousted and the Big blue wave does come that those Democrat, Obama, Brennan & Mullar get there want. Muslims AKA Islam, MS 13 and finally Venusela economy! This happening will shake the world and the billionaires in the USA! The rich get their money just like small business even down to the child mowing lawns FROM SOMEONE BUYING A SERVICE OR PRODUCT. The USA is one of the largest economies in the world both in buying terms and in selling terms. The wish of the Democrats Anti NAFTA will destroy this economy. Then the world will plunge into economic oblivion. Then Hitlers rise look at History and the German and Italian poverty people grasping for straws HITLER !
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Jesse Lee Green MORON
I am 63 this
year. Finally figured out that I was never wanted by my father and
mother also my brother! WHY WHY did it take until 63 for this fool to
wake up. Evedense 1. was living in North Carolina doing well my
mother called said there were jobs here, My wife and I with Jake our
son move back to Abilene Texas work force said somebody lied to you!
This hurt my whole family. Mother did not care she wanted what she
wanted. Found work in San Angelo, Mother nor Dad never visited while
we starved there. 2. Mother used her money and scare tactics so I
went to welding school NOT MY PASSION. This hurts most because I
never found & when I did never had the money to get there. God
people don’t force your WILL on your children. If it fails what you
pushed them into and they are broke. They will not want to be around
you. But this also hurt not just me Jesse Lee Green, But my children
as well. Hashem (God) will Jesus blood cover a fool such as I??
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Sinner's life
Please ask God in Jesus name to end my life to take ma and put me where ever I will spend eternity(HELL for sure). But for the blood of a Jewish carpenter I am the most deserving of HELL Jesse Green ME
EASU no spell check allows it without RED for misspelling. BUT EASU Isaac's son is is listed. These damn computer programmers are not the god's of right or correctness that the world accords them
What Commandment did God say there MUST be music with any video !! Must have been from god NO WAIT John Ford or some other Hollywood dick head. Son now watch how to do anything MUSIC MUSIC damn California & Hollywood! Why not just silent video???
Monday, July 30, 2018
Friday, July 27, 2018
only one me alone
only one I be having
Shitty mean parents. Given ADD & Bi Polar. Screamed at for every
spill my life long. Bad grades a beating received. Friends 2 that say
get over IT. Is this the hatred of God, pray it's not do I. Only one
alive can't get over IT. Evil am I!!
Called a moron WHAT
IS WRONG WITH YOU by the mother who bore me. JUST she said do better
in school, Father whipped my ass fort bad grades! WHAT is wrong you
moron cant remember 6X6=35, but 36 it be, damn 1 too many times
missing and a moron I be. JUST JUST must have loved being berated and
beaten for I JUST did not change! (perhaps I was not able to JUST)
Go to college said
HIGH SCHOOL, said the loving encouraging MOTHER, this representing a
life of such statements by she.
I want said I,
you cant have said they every time. Love something taken to the range
at maybe 9 ONCE to talk never more to shoot was taken I. Mother sent
to Palasoda Frank the physiologist paid to see by this mother, was
grown man. Instructions to tell Palasota Mother thinks I have
Attention deficit disorder! When 4th grade teacher said
maybe he has Dyslexia MOTHER said she should mind her own business.
From grade 5 at
least did I see counselors at Hawley Schools, Damn it took the MOTHER
until I was nearing 40 to see maybe something maybe wrong! WELL no
quarter given by wives ,son or daughters, father or brother, EVIL
must be me. Evil must I because I still will not JUST JUST. O hell
the excuse is he can’t JUST JUST, from the aforementioned souls!
God is it thee who hatted me OR is it they? God ask I please in my
age old some relief give to me. Help me to JUST JUST or be the end of
Monday, July 23, 2018
I am so ready for the end of the world or my life by God's hand. Mean parents gift of god? brain disorders gifts of god? So few humans would care if I did die, maybe 1 at funeral! BUT IT IS ALL MY FAULT SAYS MY MOTHER. Ok God kill me, all earth would be happy,. Remember IT is all Jesse Green's fault so logical to kill me God all problems would end with my departure RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT!
Natural Born has little to do with physical location more to do with the parents. Hence the dilemma. No matter where you are born you are Natural Born based on your parents lineage not your location. That part of constitutional law is considered to be settled since the supreme court has ruled on it. So Putin if his mother was a citizen of USA he would be eligible to run for president. The Constitution says: "no person except "NATURAL BORN" citizen at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shale be eligible to the office of president" there are other qualifications too. So Obama supporters, Democrats say "Natural Born" citizen means anyone with one parent born in USA is eligible to be president! PUTIN if mother was USA citizen would be eligible to be president even if born in USSR! But if birth not "NATURAL" WOULD MAKE THEM NOT ELIGIBLE!
Obama the Kenyan president by his own words
Constution of USA: NO PERSON EXCEPT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF USA at the time of the adoption of this CONSTITUTION, SHALL BE ELIGIBLE TO OFFICE OF PRESIDENT! Obama the Kenyan born president is a fraud by his words!
Sunday, July 22, 2018
when I see the media ABC, CBS & NBC, which is all I can get. I know they hate Trump & by extension Hate me for voting for him. When I see the View I know the audience is hand picked & these women Hate me for voting for Trump & law and order too
Friday, July 20, 2018
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Kennedy & McCain brain cancer fast growing brain cancer. Sure looks, smells, feels to me like the work of Hashem(GOD). When Hashem (god) cast his vote things can be FINAL. Two men with murder on their hands. Two men against god. Two power hungry souls.
Monday, June 25, 2018
YOU DESERVE a key word in our societies and probably in all languages. Watching the lava in Hawaii & the volcano in Guatemala. Every disaster as we call them is saying YOU DON'T GET WHAT YOU DESERVE, you get what you get. Would you want to get what you DESERVE always?
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018
HELL I should be there
Watching "The Ranch" I realized how much like my FAMILY is a carbon copy of Beau! The only regret I have fro walking out my father's hospital room and not going back is WHY THE HELL WAS I SO STUPID TO NOT DO IT 30 YEARS BEFORE. Well mother has gotten the same treatment not seeing me no calls nothing. She spent some money on me thinks this makes it all chipper. HOW many are there like me with crushed hearts crushed souls that pass this shit on because they DO NOT know anything else! God take me and place me in your HELL. I have earned !
Friday, June 1, 2018
13 excuses
Finished 13 excuses God these writers are stupid Ever notice anything out of Hollywood the place to go is LA or New York city, as If Heaven and total piece is in those two places ONLY.
High school kids with photos of a crime are so morons as to not make copies These same geniuses leave them on a car seat! This does say to me teach your child at home. Make all teacher's and school administrators start over in kindergarten until college graduation, maybe they might grow a brain cell in the process. Cover every square inch of every public school with cameras and recording equipment that sends to the police.
Abilene Tx
I saw and spoke to the smartest person on earth. Abilene Tx left keys in car motor running radio on while this human was inside the convenience store. I mentioned this to them in passing. This human smiled and said that is what the security camera was for. I am of the thought perhaps the human had a security camera inside the car. Should this human mean the store security cameras. This human should be awarded with the Nobel prize for intelligence. I no longer have to wonder why Democrats win elections
Thursday, May 31, 2018
13 reasons
Watching 13 Reasons. I understand why there are such morons in USA. 1st the writers flunked out of Retard school 2nd even in 2011 two school kids fighting in a road off of school grounds would have the police called by the school officials. If only for the reason that school officials did not want prison sentences. The police officer is about right for what we see happening today. The father with the badge was a total failure, paid the price too. 3rd Is Hollywood totally brain dead? All they put out is remakes and game shows. Hell movies are 1 hit then part 1 trough 100 remakes. 4th Citizens of USA must be brain dead they love and watch these game shows(sometimes called Reality television) Are Humans that dumb to believe people are naked and alone or on an island or in a house?? What brain deadness is in USA Zombie brain is that a good name for it? WONDER WHY DEMOCRATS WIN
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
companies controlling
ABC’s Canceling
Roseann because of a remark is horror to my thinking. Insurance
companies have been doing this for years controlling Activities
because of “RISK” they say. WHEN do companies like ABC your job
provider starts firing refusing to hire because of “WHAT YOU DO
WHAT YOU SAY”. I hear it now it is their right, OK so you rope they
fire you because this is inhumane they say. You fish, you hunt, you
are a climber of rocks mountains, you drive a polluting car, you are
a free range parent, you are nudest, or maybe you are a member of
SCA.(society of creative anachronism)!!
See how far this
can and will go. Robots for instance replacing humans on jobs, well a
machine can do your job you fill in the blank that I the employer
don’t approve of! THERE GOES THE FIRST AMENDMENT, taken by your
boss, you cant pursue what you like love without the COMPANY’S
blessing. Machines when they replace humans so companies can make
more money. Well thought out by those seeking to make more money;
maybe but where are these humans who buy the products that make the
income stream going to get their money?????
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Tell you the real
story of a person like Thirteen Reasons portrays. School at Hawley
Texas from 1963 until 1974. This human was seeing counselors paid for
by the state of Texas from 5th grade on. These Pin Head
counselors (teacher and administrators view) would see this human for
say 30 minutes.
This Human’s
parents and teachers had a firm grip on how to best deal with this
human; spanking, standing in a corner or with nose in a circle drawn
on the chalk board. Remedial math remedial classes But BEAT HIS ASS
and he will learn. BEAT HIS ASS and he will sit still. When this did
not achieve its goal must have not done the ass whipping right do it
again and harder. Bullying every day every class by almost every
teacher plus mother and father.
FACT LEFT OUT of thirteen reasons. THERE WAS AND IS NO trusted adult
or teacher. Should you talk unload ask for help, well saddle shed
here we go with a belt or bridal rein or lariat rope for a better ass
whipping. The Writers of Thirteen reasons do not mention ADD or ADHD
or Dyslexia or any other learning difficulties that bring laughter to
a class At YOUR EXPENSE.
Hear in the Sick
Vet page on Facebook about medications and such. SOCIETY STILL
LOCKING US IN DUNGEONS no these take away rights like gun ownership
and the ability to pay ones own bills and even to live alone. The
same folks who brought you thirteen reasons bring this. Some Damn
Hollywood writer’s fantasy! Some Hollywood type that has a firm
grip on things. Funny I thought that was then at Hawley Texas
Independent school district, back then. Guess there is nothing new
under the sun.
Monday, May 28, 2018
The Whole
ALL ISLAM ; When a Muslim commits a crime people like Facebook & the media say you CAN"T blame ISLAM. BUT let a mass shooter have an NRA card & it is "The NRA". The Bird in Unbroken (Japaneses prison camp commandant) Nazi Rudolf Hoss, concentration camp commandant these represent the majority of their times and movements in the country of their birth! People back then RIGHTLY did not say it is just a German or just a Japanese. Why do we not say IT IS ISLAM like they said it is Germany or it is Japan! Until the whole is held accountable the few will not stop! The Bomber the child rapist the human trafficker the automobile driver running into crowds IS PROTECTED BY ISLAM the whole.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Woe is me y'all will say. I ask most every day I ask God To kill me or Why do you hate me: gave me a narcissist for mother and probably father. I was told to go to Welding school or else. Hearing is gone now. I told my mother that I had the choice of buying hearing protection or feeding my family! This mean cruel Johan R Green said you made the right choice! She is incapable of seeing any harm she did. Now back to God killing me, even if he said Ok but you will burn eternally: I would say YES I deserve that now get it on. We who suffer understand when looking back down that trail, OH GOD how many did we hurt. I see many of these I hurt in my mind and cringe at the thought. Meanness Guilty am I again. "What we do in life echos in eternity" , GOD relief by death and Yes burn me forever.
Back in the 70's many shops did not provide hearing protection. Wages were $1.65 a hour back then. A good Welder in Abilene Texas made maybe $2.75 an hour. I was never a good welder, perhaps rod burner. They wanted a Fitter/ Welder to make any money. My math skills were null at best. A welder taught me how to read a tape. Remedial math at Hawley high school did not teach this. The Teacher Mr McDonald dropped the curve low enough for all to pass. We listened to his jokes and stories got a little math in there to. Mr McDonald did his best, I figured out later what the hypotenuse of a right triangle was. God Forgive me for my inability to learn and more the soberness to make teaching me all but impossible. God Be with those I hurt .
Back in the 70's many shops did not provide hearing protection. Wages were $1.65 a hour back then. A good Welder in Abilene Texas made maybe $2.75 an hour. I was never a good welder, perhaps rod burner. They wanted a Fitter/ Welder to make any money. My math skills were null at best. A welder taught me how to read a tape. Remedial math at Hawley high school did not teach this. The Teacher Mr McDonald dropped the curve low enough for all to pass. We listened to his jokes and stories got a little math in there to. Mr McDonald did his best, I figured out later what the hypotenuse of a right triangle was. God Forgive me for my inability to learn and more the soberness to make teaching me all but impossible. God Be with those I hurt .
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Every story or the vast majority of these about cuckolds HUMILIATION is the biggest thing mentioned. Especially as referring to Black & white cuckolding. My husband(white) had tears, looked so beaten, so submissive. The black Bull is telling the white husband he can no longer “FUCK” his wife and must service him and his(black friends) friends sexually.
The flip side of the coin is the “Bull” humiliates the wife by turning her into a “Fuck Toy, “Fuck pig”, and is called a slut or whore or both. The wife is made or does the fucking to keep the Big Black Cock in her pussy. Gang bangs, public sex, sex with females, anal sex and cleaning the cock of the Bull!
What is the pay off in all of this??
tell me I am
narrow minded or I could see the truth(their truth). When I look up
other sources for THE TRUTH and they seem to give credence to my
argument (wrong sources) again!
Think I went to college did research papers notated sources per
rules, if Professor said wrong sources will not accept these sources.
But when you ask what are the sources that you accept, this professor
will not say! Essentially these kind of people are saying “My view
is THE only view”.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
corporate conspiracy
my phone tells me that Microsoft PHOTOS has a new album ready for me "Saturday in Jones County"! Privacy hell if they can see my photos and other files to make Saturday in Jones county! conspiracy corporate style. What else can Google say maps do watch you bath?
narcissist: Johan Green put a pillow under her shirt and pretended to be pregnant to her sister in law. The sister in law was pregnant with her 1st child. Suggest this hurt BULL she would say it was funny
Saturday, March 24, 2018
My father with a 6th
grade education whipped my ass for a bad report card. My 85 year old
mother wants to establish a Trust fund for me. This after 85 years of
hateful meanness that God only knows how much damage was done to me!
Eve listened to a snake and ate an apple from the tree of the fruit
of knowledge. Stormy Daniels is sewing Trump! What do these all have
in common POWER. The original SIN power! David did Bathsheba because
he had POWER. David killed Uriah the Hittite because he had POWER.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Control & taxization
Congress just passed HR
1865, "FOSTA",
seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when
third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.
tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk
without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully
taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully we can bring them
back some day.
To the
millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through
craigslist, we wish you every happiness!
MONEY soon plumbing lawn services roofing ect (read third parties)!
You screw up my roofing job my attorney uses this law to win his
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