Sunday, November 4, 2018

not your friend

WAKE UP WORLD! The internet, Facebook and other posting places ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. There is a page on Tumblr titled "Mortgaged Future" showing nude women mostly, POINT IS this will come back to bite her butt. Post your and your child playing some human sees this objects Child Protective Services will visit, NO MONEY FOR LAWYER good by children. Post photos of a firearm someone is watching and if that someone is anti gun, you live in a state where 1 report by a human of FEAR OR OBJECTION of any kind. Here come your friendly Law Enforcement (THEY OWN GUNS) law officer shoots you bye to your body, bye to your family's mental health. Law officer acquitted AFTER YOU HAD GUNS the law officer feared for his life Or law officer saw a gun in your hand!

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