Sunday, August 19, 2018


I pray that there is no blue wave. I pray that people see the good Trump has done. I pray that people realize the news has always been bull shit lies. We have learned, sources close to the president, my sources tell me!! never naming the authors of their bull shit!
I hope if Trump is ousted and the Big blue wave does come that those Democrat, Obama, Brennan & Mullar get there want. Muslims AKA Islam, MS 13 and finally Venusela economy! This happening will shake the world and the billionaires in the USA! The rich get their money just like small business even down to the child mowing lawns FROM SOMEONE BUYING A SERVICE OR PRODUCT. The USA is one of the largest economies in the world both in buying terms and in selling terms. The wish of the Democrats Anti NAFTA will destroy this economy. Then the world will plunge into economic oblivion. Then Hitlers rise look at History and the German and Italian poverty people grasping for straws HITLER !

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