Thursday, May 31, 2018

13 reasons

Watching 13 Reasons. I understand why there are such morons in USA. 1st the writers flunked out of Retard school 2nd even in 2011 two school kids fighting in a road off of school grounds would have the police called by the school officials. If only for the reason that school officials did not want prison sentences. The police officer is about right for what we see happening today. The father with the badge was a total failure, paid the price too. 3rd Is Hollywood totally brain dead? All they put out is remakes and game shows. Hell movies are 1 hit then part 1 trough 100 remakes. 4th Citizens of USA must be brain dead they love and watch these game shows(sometimes called Reality television) Are Humans that dumb to believe people are naked and alone or on an island or in a house?? What brain deadness is in USA Zombie brain is that a good name for it? WONDER WHY DEMOCRATS WIN

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