Thursday, October 4, 2018


My friends in Facebook world I AM BLESSED! BUT my debits are great to. Think about not being able to hear the correct sounds like S or Z which I misspell regularly. I AM RETARDED in many ways by people making fun(hell in high and grade school it was JUST DAMN meanness). But when your own parents continue this. Let's just say I ask Hashem(God) to kill me daily. I learned more math from my grand father Jesse Rushing playing Dominoes than my mother and all school teachers in High School & Grade school combined. Yes My math skills are little BUT my mother called me a moron teaching me my multiplication tables. CAN YOU EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HOW AT 1ST GRADE THIS AFFECTS YOU! A physcrisist said this is like Hashem(God) he said telling you are worthless. HOW WOULD YOU LIVE if GOD spoke that to you and you knew it was the creator saying that! God does not make junk TO HELL HE DOES NOT HE MADE ME!

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