Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sissy Bride Mother Syndrome

01/13/14 The Sissy Bride's Mother Syndrome
There is a story that I stumbled on and as I read it I could see my mother in the story because in many ways she was like the “Sissy Brides Mother”.The Sissy Bride: What I Got On My Wedding Night
by Tiffany Anne Easton

Here is the story if you want to read it. The jest of the story is this mother has a small endowed son and she turns him into a woman inspire of his protest. Most of you who read this will not pick up on how your mother could be like this woman. Simple if for instance they are doing a play in school “Billy Goats Gruff” and your mother insist you play the troll because you have a very deep voice. So you are so traumatized and laughed at that you never attempt acting until you are 48 years old, you were in the first grade then.
You tell your mother that a teacher at you new school in Portalas New Mexico is picking you up and shaking you as punishment or for not giving the right answers and your mother blows it off. I realize the shaking happened to me before 1962 but these things stay with children. My brother caught me hiding behind a tree in the front yard. He told my mother and I was promptly packed up a delivered back to the teacher.
If you said to your mother or father that you wanted to be A and they said NO YOU WILL BECOME C, they kept pushing a pushing you have Sissy Bride Parents! So you say I am a fool this can't happen!!!!It is the extraordinary case which ignited a bitter debate about scientists playing God.
But when twin boys Bruce and Brian Reimer were born there was no indication that their lives would end so tragically.
Their mother Janet gave birth to them in January 1965 and at first, the children were perfectly healthy and normal.
However, at six months old, they began to have trouble urinating. 
Look up Bruce and Brian Reimer both of who committed suicide by the way. The jest of this is one was given female hormones and raised as a girl the other as a boy. The girl found out that he was borne a BOY!!

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