Saturday, January 18, 2014

American people are moronic

I read and look at lots of things on the net. Some of them make me think some of us are loony toons but one thing makes me thing Americans are Idiots complete and total. Here is how I come to this conclusion.
Football and Basketball are the games most Americans watch. Now if a coach is hired and in 4 years he has not gotten the team to win he is fired replaced !! So why would even a High School drop out that watches this happen and approves of it even cheers it go and reelect an official again after 4 or 6 years of nothing??
Congress people serve 4 years when elected Senators 6 years the President 4 years yet these people after the lackluster do nothing term are rehired. The people doing the rehiring are the same bunch that will bitch about a coach of a team not winning. How smart are these Americans??

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