Wednesday, January 1, 2014


01/01/14 New Year Old Problem
RESPECT it is mostly gone in our country. Respect is like the the wire that holds hay together or the thread that holds clothing an leather together. So as it frayed and wears thin the fabric of society comes apart.
The first and biggest failure of respect came last year at Nelson Mandela' funeral when Barack Obama was flirting like a drunk pickup artist with a foreign diplomat, while his wife looked on. If Michelle did not get the message that in his mind she is nothing then she never will. But more he showed no respect for the people who elected him or the people who paid money to his campaigns. He showed lack of respect for his parents grandparents and The United States. The blacks Ebonics call it DIS ME!
I think every man woman in the United States should watch the movie CALIGULA yes many will say it is porn but deeper in it runs the lesson of no respect. Yes Rome fell not due to the orgies but to lack of respect from top down. Gladiator shows this too but a much lesser degree.
Our congress and senate like the senate of Caligula they had no respect for the people. The masses are like the base of a mountain and you erode there wants and demands the mountain falls. Take a lot of heavy equipment and you can take down any hill or mountain, you can do the same with no equipment from Caterpillar. Don't believe me look up the pyramids how many Cats(Caterpillars) did they have.
So how are our Senate and Congress DISSING all the people of the United States? No one in our legislative bodies have said a damn think about 17 trillion dollars in debt! No one there is instigating Impeachment for his acting like a High School Romeo. Perhaps Obama should do like Caligula and start a brothel with the wives of the senators, hell the husbands too. Have them work as sexing for money until they pass or 17 trillion is raised.
If I vote and I am wondering because everything is electronic how do we know that the vote we cast really went to the person we voted for. If we had paper ballots and each sheet had to be signed such as Jesse L Green then there is proof that I voted for who I say. Simple ballot paper one circle the candidates you want initial each circle. Notice it was FEDERAL Law to have electronic voting instruments installed.
When and if I vote the guy in office now like Randy Naugebuar will not get my vote no one holding office will whoever is plan b will. If the citizens of the United States do this on a national level for 30 years 4years congressman and home with you, 6 years in senate and home with you,4 years as president and home with you, these people will Respect the people paying and dying as Jimmy Stuart said in “It is a Wonderful Life”. As it is now they go to Washington and are wheeled out as a corpse when they die. But hell the last 20 years DEMENTIA OR ALZHEIMER'S may have sit in!!! So you end up with leadership like we have now or like NERO who played his Violin while Rome Burned!!!!

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