Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Sick Society

Our society the people in it are sick, IF what I read is correct. What I read was that most young voters are dissatisfied with Obama but would vote for him again. This is like going to a tire shop paying for 4 brand new tires and after traveling 50 yards you have 4 flats. So you return to this tire store only to be told that they will sell you 4 more new tires! If this survey is correct these young voters would gladly pay for tour new tires again from this tire store.
Us older people probably would never do business with that tire store again, I would never ever no way do business there again. If this survey is correct and this is the answer that the young voters gave then like the tire store Obama would gladly get their business, or vote again.

My grand father was misdiagnosed and then when properly diagnosed it was determined to be cancer, terminal cancer. If it was diagnosed correctly the first time he might have lived. Let us hope that Obama is not like the first doctor and when the second President after Obama tells U.S. We are now terminal as a country. I am 58 with not a whole lot to louse. But those young voters have their lifetimes to loose!

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