Friday, December 13, 2013

Black Owned

Saw another photo captioned she married a white man but honeymooned with him she is standing by a black man. It says that they took lots of photos and videos for the white husband. Either these people captioning these photos are drummer than rocks or they think that the white husband white bride live in an airless vacuum tube.
Let me enlighten you for a minute the father of the bride pays for a $5,000 wedding and a $1000.00 wedding dress. Now the bride and groom don’t mention to anyone that they are” BLACK OWNED” or that she is a “BLACK OWNED BRIDE” so the white father in law and his wife do no know this so they fork over couple thousand for a honeymoon for their son and his newlywed bride. Now let say nothing happens(the bride and her black sexier are not caught on honeymoon). The next thing is does she get pregnant by Jamal her owner(sexier), for our story she does.
When she returns her parents and his parents want to see the photos now what excuse do they use Bart her husband was not even on the ship or the same country with Pam his new bride. Parents want to see photos of smiling bride and groom in the honeymoon sight like Niagara Falls together them hugging. Not Jamal and Pam hugging and kissing.
This can go south another way a friend of either family takes photos of Jamal and Pam together kissing and watch them all day they can see that they are together. So they call the set of parents that they know say Bart's they say that they have seen Pam with a black man kissing on this ship or Island or Niagara Falls. OOPS OH SHIT HELL they call Bart ask him how is the cruse or whatever they do not like the answer. They talk to Bart, s neighbors go by his home very late cruse by or have friends cruse by, perhaps send the police by and find out he is home. Now they are hurt pissed and out the cost of a honeymoon meant for Bart and Pam.
So both parents are shocked hurt pissed and when they corner these two either together or apart and find out that their children are “BLACK OWNED” or what ever the case is! Now let's say Pam has a black baby and they find out this way perhaps asking “WHO IS THIS BLACK MAN OR(N****R) why is your baby black?????The best you can expect is both children will be disowned or banned from the family for a long long time. It is not a color thing I can see if it was reversed and Bart and Pam are black Jamal is white do you think that the black parents will be less racists more generous that white families??????

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