Friday, December 20, 2019


IMPEACHMENT dammit could it be about “MEGA MONOPOLY'S? Facebook, Amazon, HULU, Mind Geek(all porn sites) & GOOGLE! All big Democrat supporters. Tim cook said A monopoly is not a bad thing if it is ran right”. A dictatorship is not a bad thing if it is ran right!
Monopoly's crush startups or buy them out for a song. You are a computer guy like Bill Gates & Steve Jobs you mention what you are working on Mark Zuckerburg gets a patent on it because He knows it is something SCREWED you are. Marconi inverter of Radio NO TESLA did. So a company like these Facebook, Google, Hulu, Mind Geek WILL DO ALL THEY CAN to keep mister working on a better product from coming to LIGHT or MARKET. Competition has made USA number one in almost every area of human achievement. Democrats are showing how much like Zuckerburg they are RUTHLESS to get their will.
They have won using the same tools as Hitler FEAR STRONG ARM and ruin. Who is going to stand up now ,who will not be ruined locked away or impeached. Who is not under surveillance, whose phone is not tapped, whose computer HACKED & reporting to Pelosie or Schift. These companies have the know how to get this done. Damn found drugs on ______!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

80 Stars who served in the US military - Part 2

Top 20 Celebrities Who Served in The Military



BRAVE NEW WORLD is USA today! CBS/Vicom ABC/Disney NEXTAR everyone a MEGA MONOPOLY! All CONTROLLING & SHAPING information you get. Schift SAME thing fighting for the company & its will & continuation

Will They Steal The 2020 Election?

Monday, November 25, 2019

Go to Jesus by ground beef

I will from now on buy my meat from a store. hunting is frivolous activity according to my family! Well every time I buy a 20 lbs large roll of ground beef. I am told on the news Salmonella recall, iron shaving is it, or plastic in it. Perhaps I will be blessed & go to Jesus by ground beef!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

fucking humans

PSYCHO CYBERNETICS Marshall my brother brought me a copy, Mother told him to do this! The book hits all humans SPOT ON a lady had “Perfect Plastic Surgery but when she looked in the mirror she saw the same flawed face! Self Image the Doctor said SPOT ON CORRECT. Parents Teachers Class mates Sunday School Teachers and COMMUNITY. Community every human in contact with this human. Tough love, lazy, punish them, they can do this they just don’t want to, LIGHT A FIRE UNDER THEM AND THEY WILL MOVE! This is the way I grew up all those were done to ME. I AM NOT IMPORTANT so this is not about ME.
A teacher approaches a child with a shotgun in school hugs the child, child says NO HUMAN UNDERSTANDS! HOW ABOUT A CONGRESSIONAL METAL OF HONOR FOR THIS TEACHER! This is important all of the things mentioned above “COMMUNITY & FAMILY will not understand, THEY SHAPE MAKE THE SELF IMAGE. I was laughed at by class mates &Teachers & CHURCH, I will always see the worthless unloved human. This child might as well have used the shotgun on itself. Community only wants to punish & cage this child. Its parents will shame distance themselves berate him Law enforcement Physiologist AGAINST THIS HUMAN CHILD! If it offs itself same old shit HE WAS ALWAYS OFF, NOT QUITE RIGHT, STRANGE, CRAY IDEAS, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! HOW MANY humans with learning disabilities Autism, Dyslexia or consider slow, FACE THIS DAILY. I don’t know but I can tell you how long it last 65 years and counting!

Cop pulls over his own wife- HILARIOUS!! | Dude Dad

When the IN-LAWS are coming to visit | Dude Dad

When the IN-LAWS are coming to visit | Dude Dad

My husband be like... | Dude Dad

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Abbott & Costello "Who's On First"


Is NBC correct in saying NOW new evidence and this thing go to the Senate? If so all Senators will not be able to campaign. They were not suppose to while a Impeachment is going on! Fuck DEMOCRATS subject to no law

Sunday, November 17, 2019

There's a NEW REASON Liberals Are PANICKING over Ruth Bader Ginsburg!!!


BILL GATES & all compurtedom RULES IF HUMAN DELETES ANY FILE OR FOLDER ANYWHERE THAT OUR SOFT WEAR REACHES ALL HIS PHOTOS FILE FOLDER GO BYE BYE! I am laughed at because, I think this is like you want to remove an old paper photo in your family photo album. BILL GATES AND ALL COMPUTERDOM says throw the whole damn album out! COMPUTERS EVERY SOFT WEAR SYSTEM NEEDS regulation(LAUGHING AT JESSE L GREEN) BUT electrical product are regulated, NFL has same rules all over(REGULATION)!! Traffic lights red on top yellow in middle green on bottom EVERY WHERE IN USA! Bill gates traffic lights should be yellow on top red at the bottom green in the middle. Steve Jobs traffic lights should be green,yellow & green then red on the bottom. DAMMIT HALF OF ABILENE TEXAS IS STEVE JOBS THE OTHER HALF BILL GATES! more laughter by computer people HU HU I don't see your point, WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! change the traffic lights and you will!

Friday, November 15, 2019

I posted this on Facebook so jail time again

Facebook Jail again fro posting this. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ENFORCE 1ST AMENDMENT. Shot Facebook google And amazon down., these three are the internet


This impeachment circus it the smoke screen to take humans minds off Epstein AND DEMO RATS. Bill Clinton who there is solid evidence shows he was there not in jail or under indictment?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Impeach HELL

TRUMP EVIL GUILTY! Bill Clinton Pedophile island we have proof he was there we have proof that children under age were used for SEX. Bill Clinton did not rescue 1 or call law enforcement! NO IMPEACHMENT UNTIL CLINTON is behind bars

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Credit unions must now be owned by banks

First Abilene Federal Credit union! I use to pay my bills on computer! No more some dickhead UP GRADED the computer banking! I GET A MESSAGE DUE TO THE HIGH CALL VOLUME did my bills get paid or not will when i correct this in person DOUBLE DIP. THIS IS SUNDAY NIGHT AT 6.26 pm! HIGH CALL VOLUME! Who bought this credit union out? Are all Credit unions in Abilene NOW OWNED BY A BANKING MEGA MONOPOLY! now a battle with SSI and VA when and If I find another banking venue!

Facebook needs Over site or complete shutdown

every human who is put in Facebook jail should call their congress person senator. Tell them what you said why Facebook pulled your post. Why they said you were against their community standards.When this happens 75% ot the time Facebook will be shut down by government over site. I was put in Jail for asking “Has anyone heard anything about Jerry Epstein & Pedophile Island? The impeachment is the smoke scree to cover this investigation. FACEBOOK SAYS HATE SPEECH

The entire web

Googled Up to date on California wild fires. Last week 2 years ago but today must be no fires in California. We The people need to demand a total completer destruction of the Al Gore, Facebook, Google internet. Then build from chip one up. Any website LOG IN WITH FACEBOOK LOG IN WITH GOOGLE! These tow are the World wide Web. Is there no Yahoo or Mozilla or any other internet site that could be used to log in with? NO Facebook and Google are the web!

Saturday, August 3, 2019


When i look on this site it seems IF I VIOLATE AFF's whatever they have on me I get the same bodies over and over! It is as if someone is saying you will search for what WE DECIDE! This is also on Plenty of Fish and other sites. Is this just me or are others having this issue. I believe the internet is super controlled because GOOGLE AND AMAZON rule all commerce on line. Most of the web is located in California so where is the let's provide something different. Porn Hub I have looked at other video sites like Porn Hub AGAIN same bodies same videos retitled and shown as something else same people. Stories on Literotica and all other story sites SAME  SAME no new stories. This may change if the entire west coast fell into the ocean. NET NEUTRALITY law was control by Facebook, Google, Amazon to keep rival sites down from forming. Amazon bought Books A Million all online books come through Amazon. It seems to me that it was not like this when I first got another computer

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

the goal

2020 election Anti-naftia will riot ad some polling places STRATEGIC places that voted for Trump. Dallas, Austin, and places like this. Trump orders troops national guard to stop these bloody riots so all people can safely vote. Anti-naftia in Oregon has already built up the fear reputation, so just the THREAT of them possible being there will deter voters! Trumps whatever action to prevent this WILL BE STOPPED OR SLOWED BY AN OBAMA APPOINTED JUDGE! The goal simple never in USA has an election had to be done over due to violence, so votes count election is called! Be damn even if there is a body count of injuries and fatalities. The election will stand DEMOCRATS WON! Democrats have done this before.

Monday, June 24, 2019


Tumblr, Facebook, twitter and Google. They all want to CONTROL what people can do. THE NUMBER ONE PROBLEM ON EARTH is someone or some organization or government controlling people. This CONTROLLING people has caused all the wars, many murders, workers lives and limbs and destroyed many relationships. In THE END it always fails. It has cost companies millions when safety of the workers were ignored. Takkata the airbag company declared bankruptcy for this reason. Millions die globally because because some few people called government insist on total control.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


Anyone in the Abilene Texas with enough computer knowlege to show me how to delete photos from Facebook 1 Then show me how to keep Windows PHOTOS the little folder with the blue folder holder from giving Facebook photos. The computer person I know says I shared all of these with someone else is how they got there. The photos I digitized AND SHARED WITH NO ONE anywhere on line are there. There has to be a LINK between Facebook and Windows, how many more humans like me have this issue? I see things on Twitter how invasive Facebook is NOW I understand. FACEBOOK with Windows may have given everything you have on a Windows OS to Facebook. God only knows hew far and wide in other OS facebook has its tendrils!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Facebook has all of your information photos

Windows has a program called photos so does Facebook they share information. You must have a phone to have a Facebook account. Virtually all businesses use Facebook & government. Facebook has all data everywhere your hospital records everything! so how easy is it for the credit card data at you name the store to be compromised VIA Facebook & Microsoft. They reach into the CIA, FBI, Census bureau, local county agents, police & fire depts! The more answerable question would be WHERE DO THEY NOT HAVE ACCESS TO! Every photo I have ever taken or ditized Facebook has NOT BY MY PERMISSION If I knew how to keep them from doing this

Thursday, May 9, 2019


From what I see on social media and Television. Should you live in California especially and Washington or Oregon AKA COW AND OWN A FIREARM, GUN MOVE EAST NOW!
The recent bust in Hollywood of the man with 1000 firearms SCREAMS WE ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS! They do not care if it was your first BB gun given to you by your grandfather who fought in the war for American Independence. They don’t care if the barrels are plugged and welded shut!
This is just the beginning any state with red flag laws will be next coming for anything looking like a gun. THEY DON NOT GIVE A PILE OF BULL DROPPINGS about the Constitution and the SECOND AMENDMENT. By the way second amendment using words Militia means hunting rifles pistols and shotguns were not even being talked about! Militia means cannon, mortars, tanks, grenades! Notice the words “A well Regulated militia the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” ARMS just like Sweden mortar man his mortar and ammo at his house THIS IS WHY HITLER DID NOT ATTACK SWEDEN.
  1. 1.
    weapons and ammunition; armaments.
    "arms exports"
weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnancecannonartillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

Monday, April 29, 2019


People of Texas and USA who are for the democrats and their agenda. One must ask because of Joe Biden and his remarks about open borders. Then the rest of the pack of 20 howling the same thing OPEN BORDERS, NO BORDERS NEEDED OR WANTED! If you are a democrat and if you vote for any democrat in this next election YOU want OPEN BORDERS OR N BORDERS!
Do you humans really really WANT THIS, we have a MEASLES outbreak now. This was talked about in a New York State and New York city news conference this morning this we know. DO YOU WANT THIS FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN? Do you want the criminals, do you want the human traffickers, do you want the other more horrible diseases that now can come in without human knowledge.
We see on the national news about for you Democrats TRUMP’S FAKE BORDER CRISIS, for me the disaster that will change USA.. SHOULD USA BE ABLE TO STOP ALL HUMANS right now from coming into USA the damage is already done! My children and grandchildren will cash the check that both parties DEMOCRAT & REPUBLICAN wrote. Disease crime unimaginable evil brought to those humans trafficked or other ways harmed by some other humans wants for them.
PROBLEM IS there is only one party DEMOCRAT democrat left and democrat right example Joe Biden DEMOCRAT LEFT, John McCain Paul Ryan DEMOCRAT RIGHT! THEY SHUT Trump’s border closing and control measures down! MY BORDER WANTING SHUT ALL HUMANS stopped unless controlled entry, all TRUMP voters wanted this! CLOSED BORDERS.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


think you are just now approaching 65 the magic age of retirement(OR USE TO BE) your body is shot from heavy work in construction or mining! You need lighter duty work which they will tell you we don't have go home! NOW IT IS 72 before you can draw SOCIAL SECURITY (an entitlement you paid for).
This is so because that great REPUBLICAN Lyndon Bayes Johnson raided Social Security for his war in Vietnam, LEFT AN i owe you. Then every Tom Dick and Hellene that can cross that border is given all kinds of things YOU paid Taxes for! Thank you sorry mother fucking republicans like Lyndon Bayes Johnson (BY THE WAY yes I know he was a democrat)

Monday, March 25, 2019

Laughing at me

I ask every day “WHY GOD DON’T YOU KILL ME”?”!! My Family laughed at me, my teachers laughed at me, the church I went to laughed at me laughed at me! I am so dumb so stupid my father said “-WHO PAYS YOU FOR THINKING”. I drop every thing CLUMSY THEY SAY laughing! Books like “Toxic Parents” tell how much damage this does to a human if I pointed this out they all would laugh and say BULLSHIT! God show some love kill me perhaps in Hell they will not laugh at me!

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Sadly some Americans have not figured out that these investigations are less about TRUMP. But are all about ensuring that there will be only one party DEMOCRAT. Think about it you are a upright honest legal to the ninth degree but a REPUBLICAN! Will you want to run for any office in America especially President. When you the Republican announce you intend to run, all friends and businesses that have anything to do with you will RUN RUN RUN. They will run because even if they shined your shoes only THEY ARE SUBJECT TO QUESTIONING. Their families their friends their business associates are all in the line of fire to have their lives disrupted.


Sociopath Facebook has them they set up a group you piss them off they shit can you. The Sociopath Next Door should be mandatory reading. This book says most Sociopath's are little people in small jobs that love to make a human's day shitty.The Sociopath Next Door also points out many are in prison or become dictators or top business people. Sociopath's have NO CONSCIENCE OR FEELINGS OF REMORSE. Mark Zuckerburg comes to my mind as this type of human

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

State of the union

Listened to our president. Then listened to the Democrat ruling party's rebuttal. Then the Global one world religion one world government press tell me how Trump was wrong. I did this while vacuuming my house the rebuttal and the press. SO HOW MANY AMERICANS BELIEVE THE DEMOCRATS DO NOT RULE?

Friday, February 1, 2019

Why teach punctuation any more

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Friday, January 18, 2019

Feminization of men

If you have ever read about or saw on Utube cuckolding , Fem Dom or feminization  of men(usually force Fem) is one way they sometimes explain  it. What is interesting to me is whether you read about these on a website or view some of the Utube videos, never never do you see a  "I am Mr Thomson now Tabatha I want to tell you the joys of becoming wife's sissy".  HEY it is so cool and so wonderful, so uplifting to service my Hot Wife's lovers. Now there are Utube  videos about detransitioning  and how they wish the had not done this. I cant but think those unfortunate Tabatha formerly Mr Thompson were not really forced by a narcissist mate into becoming Tabatha. This change would only add to the humiliation, titillation, And emotional breaking of the cuck(hot wife's husband) WHY IS THERE NONE OF THESE STORIES OR VIDEOS?

Monday, January 14, 2019

Wonder If God loves me Wonder if Jesus loves me. My mother and father never did love me. I am 63 most of those things I wanted My parents said you don't need that. I cant even get my Bluetooth to play on the Itunes on my computer. I want my chosen music to listen to while I sleep. IS THIS WANT NARCISSISTIC? Is it against God or Jesus rules? Do I even deserve anything? I keep asking God to kill me. How could they love me they allowed me to be born alive to my parents? Somewhere in this cold dark dungeon of alone I hope God can love me I hope Jesus did die for me. My children don't speak to me so I must be as evil as Satin. Satin failed to, I have failed at most things I have attempted. Hashem(god) Elhom(Jesus) show me the mercy of death or reach into this pain, emptiness, abuse, & not being "NORMAL" HELP ME.

dead tired

PLEASE SHOOT ME, HANG ME, TIE ME TO A WILD HORSE AND TURN IT LOOS WITH AN slap on the ass SHOCK TO ITS ASS, or find a doctor that can stop my cryonic fatigue. I was diagnosed with sleep Apthena by the VA shortly after Moses brought the 10 commandments down. They got me a CPAP "I keep telling doctors I CAN'T BREATH FEELS LIKE CHOCKING ME" no new CPAP adjustment since god said let there be light! I am not able to get nothing done. But I get up sleepy at 0900 I go to bed around 10 pm. Right now I could use a nap. I am unable to get any increase in thyroid medication " THEY SAY I AM IN NORMAL RANGES" anyone know of a firing squad needing practice, I volunteer

Sunday, January 13, 2019

human interaction

level 1
How does a human on Reddit meat another human? There is no personal information allowed to be shared. Might as well be in a test tube looking an another human in a test tube. In the Reddit laboratory fear of human contact such as emailing or pen pals(pen pals were my generation's idea). This will probably get me kicked out of the Reddit laboratory of human sterilization and fear of contact. I to am alone at 63 well your young ones have long lives of alone BECAUSE of technology stopping human interaction.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

My sin

My one concern about Jesus & God is this. Whenever Jesus spoke to some sinner or some human interested in Jesus and salvation like Zaccheaus. Zacchaeus said I will give half of my possessions to the poor. If I have cheated anyone out of anything. I will pay back four times the amount. Now the Widow put a mite it says in the collection plate. Jesus said she had given more than the rich.
Why did not Jesus help this poor woman with nothing, BUT ate with Zaccheaus. Except for Larsus who had dogs licking his wounds. My memory, at 63 be 64 in February, does not remember a whole bunch of poor people being mentioned as going to heaven. Now for me Jesse lee Green I have hurt people, I owe people money that I can’t payback.
All I can do is say I am sorry: Sarah Okler said “Would sorry help, does it ever it is one word against a thousand actions” I agree a with her. From Zaccheaus and Jesus conversation, I gather that Jesus thinks “I AM SORRY” does not cut much mustard. I believe Jesus blood can cover any and all wrong a human does. PERIOD not getting into baptism or trust in Jesus or pray this prayer and you are saved. Pardon me if I think Jesus blood is my key into heaven. The other thing Baptism I have done.
My concern is DO I HAVE ENOUGH ACTIONS showing I am sorry and change and repentance, which also Jesus said is needed. I have a different look on that subject, I was abused growing up I have read lots of Psychology saw some counselors then read human life stories BUT from my pain and how it affects me TODAY I know some events cast long shadows over a human life. It affects behavior thinking and actions AND how a human deals with fellow humans.
I AM concerned about those I have harmed, concerned about my eternity at least in this writing! HOW WHERE WHAT can I do to show those I have harmed AND most importantly God & Jesus that I am sorry. But most of all like Zaccheas some kind of restitution. See my life has taught me when a parent does something to a child that child will do similar to its children and other humans. Wrong though it be those people I talk with Psychologist say IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT IT IS ALL YOU KNOW, up until you know better.
These people Psychologist say for some of your life you don’t question because it is how you were raised , usually until about 30 he said. Then you have been interacting with other humans and have found out that there are other ways. I for instance did not question my mother’s sending me a detailed list of what she spent on me every year from about 30 or so UNTIL I knew better( not all mothers do this). When I was hurt and mad enough I started asking friends if they did this to their children or if it was done to them, their answers opened my eyes!

Microsoft and the ilk

Computers "MICROSOFT" Human can have I phone & iTunes on Microsoft! but try to download a CD to I TUNES windows media player comes up & is your download & it starts playing too. Regulate these people PLEASE! If they want it this way then be up front about it. Example: Warning can not buy windows OS and attempt to use I phone or iTunes or any other open market product like Liebre Office!
Were this done in other venues Automobiles for instance Human can buy a Ford but can not install any tire but Ford tires and other Ford aftermarket products! There was a time in USA history this was done and the ANTITRUST LAWS WERE PASSED to keep a company from controlling the entire oil industry as Standard Oil John D Rockefeller. He was getting it done to as were others!
Please explain to his Texas man what is the difference between Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and others. AT&T were broken up because there was a time AT&T was the only game in town. Alltell in the east Southwestern Bell, Pacific Bell were subsidiaries(owned by AT&T). Children if this had not happened by law there would be no Verizon and maybe no Cell phones at all! There was a time that if you wanted to ship something because of ICC two choices major trucking company or US Post office. Your Amazon package or Primos hunting product were mailed at Post Office Rates or shipped by Merchant trucking lines! total control of price and control of venue. Companies like LL Bean, Sears and Montgomery Ward were hostage to the shipping rates. There would be no independent trucking companies like Covenant and many other smaller But ICC was controlled or broken up for Commerce.

Choice And censorship

Microsoft you can install I tunes BUT WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER will still be there to sabotage I tunes. Human things I tunes is paying NO windows media player is bleeding into I tunes so two things playing at once through the speaker Damn Bill Gates. Big Tech like Apple or Microsoft program into their products so Human must buy one or the other but cant mix. AUTOMAKERS CAN'T DO THIS BY LAW, so human can buy a Chevrolet and install any battery human chooses or sound system. NOT SO WITH I PHONE on a Microsoft OS. THE PROSTITUTES(congress) will not for fear of these computer tech giants do any legal controls! Censorship and choice are never more.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


HOW does a human contact another human for conversation getting to know ect. Was told on Reddit that giving personal information like email is a NO NO. WHAT FEAR THE COMPUTER HUMANS HAVE OF ANOTHER HUMAN. this world is already in the crapper now computers creating walls from human contact. What does a dating age human or a child bearing age human do NOW. Www.find a mate .com or www.find a or will there be breeding stations run by Amazon Facebook Google? there will not be any humans worth being human if there is no contact sharing learning AND YES ARGUMENTS to.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


we need the government to regulate all of these tech giants. The license them. Th wright THE COMMUNITY STANDARDS they must adhere to or fine the hell out of them. So many fines so many violations bye no more Facebook,Google or whatever the tech giant is