Sunday, November 24, 2019

fucking humans

PSYCHO CYBERNETICS Marshall my brother brought me a copy, Mother told him to do this! The book hits all humans SPOT ON a lady had “Perfect Plastic Surgery but when she looked in the mirror she saw the same flawed face! Self Image the Doctor said SPOT ON CORRECT. Parents Teachers Class mates Sunday School Teachers and COMMUNITY. Community every human in contact with this human. Tough love, lazy, punish them, they can do this they just don’t want to, LIGHT A FIRE UNDER THEM AND THEY WILL MOVE! This is the way I grew up all those were done to ME. I AM NOT IMPORTANT so this is not about ME.
A teacher approaches a child with a shotgun in school hugs the child, child says NO HUMAN UNDERSTANDS! HOW ABOUT A CONGRESSIONAL METAL OF HONOR FOR THIS TEACHER! This is important all of the things mentioned above “COMMUNITY & FAMILY will not understand, THEY SHAPE MAKE THE SELF IMAGE. I was laughed at by class mates &Teachers & CHURCH, I will always see the worthless unloved human. This child might as well have used the shotgun on itself. Community only wants to punish & cage this child. Its parents will shame distance themselves berate him Law enforcement Physiologist AGAINST THIS HUMAN CHILD! If it offs itself same old shit HE WAS ALWAYS OFF, NOT QUITE RIGHT, STRANGE, CRAY IDEAS, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! HOW MANY humans with learning disabilities Autism, Dyslexia or consider slow, FACE THIS DAILY. I don’t know but I can tell you how long it last 65 years and counting!

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