Sunday, November 17, 2019


BILL GATES & all compurtedom RULES IF HUMAN DELETES ANY FILE OR FOLDER ANYWHERE THAT OUR SOFT WEAR REACHES ALL HIS PHOTOS FILE FOLDER GO BYE BYE! I am laughed at because, I think this is like you want to remove an old paper photo in your family photo album. BILL GATES AND ALL COMPUTERDOM says throw the whole damn album out! COMPUTERS EVERY SOFT WEAR SYSTEM NEEDS regulation(LAUGHING AT JESSE L GREEN) BUT electrical product are regulated, NFL has same rules all over(REGULATION)!! Traffic lights red on top yellow in middle green on bottom EVERY WHERE IN USA! Bill gates traffic lights should be yellow on top red at the bottom green in the middle. Steve Jobs traffic lights should be green,yellow & green then red on the bottom. DAMMIT HALF OF ABILENE TEXAS IS STEVE JOBS THE OTHER HALF BILL GATES! more laughter by computer people HU HU I don't see your point, WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! change the traffic lights and you will!

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