Friday, November 22, 2013

Different Strokes


I have always heard “Different strokes for different folks.” or “Whatever floats your boat.” but these not withstanding I fail to understand getting married and then not having sex ever with your own wife.
To me this is like buying an anything horse, gun, saddle, boat, house, or brand new pickup truck and then allowing someone else to use it to the exclusion of you the owner of it. As I understand it “Marriage is a contract between two people and some would say God or the State” and this allows for sexual contact too. Marriage also is the framework we have chosen for two people to live together in harmony and legally build wealth. The wealth is controllable and inheritable by those two people.
So why would you go to the trouble of “Marriage” then allow the wife to become black owned (sexually owned by a black man to the exclusion of you having sex with her and producing children) this black man gets her pregnant and you raise the child with your wife. Why would you allow and receive photos of your wife with her boss or your brother or any man and knowing she is having sex with them, probably laughing at you too.
Can you think of being invited to a company party you and this wife of yours, then you sit there and hear jokes made about you and her looseness sexually from the podium. How do you explain to your father and mother or hers that this Mulatto child is yours! Will they not ask was she raped? If either father in law or your family disagrees with your lifestyle will they not cut you out of the will?
If you and your wife have children together how do you explain to this child its half brother or sister?
Do you have a stop word you say to wife “Boo” and she tells her boss tomorrow no more sex from me! Will this cost you two badly needed income when she is let go. What if the black man is a thug “nigga” “Gangsta” will he go quietly into the night?? Or will he and his buddies decide to have a kidnap gang bang on you both till you are almost dead, then he says this never stops!!!

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