Thursday, March 11, 2010

there is no law in texas from where the sun stands now I will vote no more


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Jesse Lee Green living in Jones county Texas. On 5/19/2009 a Jones county Deputy Sheriff and a Anson police officer showed up at my house at 1:30 am and rousted me from a sound sleep. The deputy said and I quote “Mr Green you need to come out ere and talk about a complaint” I walked into the truth about our country and its laws, I was handcuffed put in the back of a sheriffs pickup then he proceed to beat on my door to try and get the lady that I was sleeping by to come out as he said so he could check her for injuries. She would not leave the house on his lie like I did. I am inclosing a copy of the letter from Chad Cowan Jones county attorney dated 1/6/2010 stating that there was no complaint filed. When I called Larry Moore the Sheriff on 5/20/2009 to tell him of the deputies actions he said and I quote “He can't do that” to which I said Larry he did. When I called Larry to file a complaint on said officer with the dismissal letter in my hand Larry Moore Said “He was just doing his job”.When Joe Heflin called me he informed me of our tough system and said I must get a lawyer to enforce any legalities that this deputy may have broken.

If I the citizen must pay more of the money I do not have to get some form of justice then this Constitution of Texas and the Constitution of these United States may as well be tolett paper. This being the case I will no longer vote for any person for any office as they will be more of the problem, and all of this talk of rule of law applies to only the poor bastard that the police decide to go after.

The Abilene Reporter News ran a story of a man posthumously being cleared of a rape he did not co mitt costing Texas 80,000 per year of the time he was locked up. Not one cop C.S.I. Not one judge not one district attorney will face any kind of fine jail time loss of listens and this is over a mans life. What if said deputy had of said He (me) had a gun I shot him would there have been anything done accept Larry Moore Sheriff of Jones county Texas saying “He was just doing his job”.!!

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