Thursday, March 25, 2010


3/25/2010 Busybodies.
I was looking on the internet for people having sex in public. I found on YouTube a video vigilante who took his camera and followed people in Oklahoma City Oklahoma picking up prostates and filming them and calling the police to have them arrested. I know people of the ilk of John Walsh will applaud this behavior. I wonder why we don’t just legalize prostitution and allow people to do it where they wish in certain parts of the cities away from children and leave the people involved alone. If I am going to be carted off to jail on account of a busy body there will be charges other than being a john as they call them. I live in the country so I can do what I wish and not be bothered by people. Busy bodies’s like this man would get a ladder and film you and your wife nude in your private swimming pool in your back yard, why because he thinks everyone should live to his standards of he will shove his standards on you. He is probably a church going person that pays no attention to Jesus example everyone is so interested in preaching the word that they forget that Jesus has a example he showed and it was basically this I tell you what will happen when, I do not force you to do as I say or as I do but you know from my words what is coming. MR video vigilante has no business in my humble opinion forcing things on people that he will not stop if he gets everyone in Oklahoma City arrested. The one film I watched was a Lowes truck driver picked his lady up and took her to a restraint parking lot got in the back of his truck and shut the door so no one could see and if Mr. Vigilante had not been following and thinking of Mr. Vigilante’s business he would not know. The next one I watched a old man picked a lady up and he followed him to a hotel and gave him 30 seconds to leave or he would call the cops,so legalize the act of prostitution so my Vigilante has something productive to do like take care of his children. If he were playing ball with his children in his back yard he will not have time to chase wood be criminals down and his children would have a father for longer because someone will hurt him as always happens. He will run into someone that thinks he should be left alone and will punch this man in the nose.

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