Saturday, March 27, 2010

un wanted

Alone and unwanted, unneeded, unnecessary, unrelized dreams is all that is left of me. Like an old man in a home for old unwanted un needed un loved is the reminder of the life of me. My chances I had My chances I blew. The magic wand of youth petered away is stupid pursuit of things I thought grand and good. Now in the prison of alone and un wanted un needed for the final song I pray the death song of me.Synpthy give me not .My actions and reactions my choices no excuses I am told I did it all guilty as all hell. For surely those successful still tale the tale of IF I had but made other choices reacted in other ways held when I should have held rushed when I should have rushed the end of this story different would be.Sucessful and wealthy would I be, My fault I know it be, because my mother, my daughter, my son, y friend say all the same. Say they those in the ditch those without those lazy slothful stupid son of bitches deserve their fate, the fate they themselves made for it was poor planning poor choices, ill use of there money. These wise people say there is no Ice Berg that sinks the Titanic was stupidly on the part of those in control why the great end up in the bottom of the ocean we call life. Says My mother and not alone I heard from High school principle the story of the man the people found homeless in the gutter they took him cleaned educated him gave him clothing and a house too then found a job kept tabs on this man in but a few months he was where they found him again nasty filthy and in the ditch, Mother is Church of Christ, The principle was too Church of Christ his son Hershel talked me from being baptized at 13. See the mistake I made see the proof of why I should be as I am pariah of god of man of woman.

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