Saturday, February 27, 2010

the god of the united states

The God of the United States=MONEY
I will prove this in these sentences. Name one thing that is considered valuable in our society that is FREE? There is a intersection and it needs a traffic light to be safe from the beginning but we wait till 4 or 5 people are killed why it is not considered cost effective, too much money to invest in a traffic signal that would have saved the 4 or 5 lives, so lives verses money kill em!! There are technologies like the new green box that would save lots of money in the long run but they will not be put into use until it is cost effective. My mother is a Church of Christ person goes to church is on me about my cussing I daily ask God to kill me because I am on disability and it allows nothing. WE have churches, colleges,universities,hospitals,charities, and we send BILLIONS overseas to countries like Hattie, but here in the United states there are people with not enough to eat and sub standard housing, why money. The government set up these programs for the poor and the people that cant care for themselves but the generation that did this my mother’s she was born in 1933 felt that the best hand out was on the end of your arm and “If a man doesn’t work let him not eat” from the bible, so the set up the welfare programs assistance programs so they would be of no help. In so doing they destroyed the very fabric that they claimed to believe in the Christian Family, or any family. Lyndon Banes Johnson the Democrat that declared the war on poverty cared as much for poor as he did for dog shit on his 600 dollar boots, he created a system that if the father were there the mother was cut off all help and more children more money and food stamps. He also did not allow for any savings of substance for these poor families. But he established the Farm Subsidies that allowed a Texas cotton farmer to say “I do not care if it rains the government will pay me 50,000 dollars for my cotton” this from a Life magazine I read in the Hawley High school Library in the 1960’s, see it was ok to help the rich but the poor let them starve. Now we are bankrupt and all are going to pay for these things. Had this generation looked at the United States as the Ship of State they said they would have realized if you leave the man in the crow’s nest to long and he falls asleep do to fatigue or he freezes to death and he does not see the ice berg in time we all end up on the ocean floor. If they want to correct this pass a law that says every person 18 or above may have 10,000 dollars in a savings tax free you will fill the banks up with money to loan business will boom and there will be jobs for all.

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