Saturday, October 26, 2013


I was reading about a 13 year old girl raped then had gasoline pored on her and set on fire she dies, this is not in the United States but India. I am guessing that the United States gives foreign aid to India. If we do  this  is this not saying we agree with this behavior after all we are financing it without any strings. This would be like giving your children money to buy things that they claim they need and finding out they are using it to make drugs. You don't stop the money.
What is even worse is we the UNITED STATES are 17 trillion dollars in debt. We should not be giving money that we do not have to begin with away to anyone for any reason. If you are broke you as a human do things different like don't go anywhere until you have money for gasoline. We as a nation are broke and getting more broke. Blame it on whoever we are 17 trillion broke how much of that goes to India who does nothing to stop rapes of 13 year old. Perhaps we should change our laws to allow 13 year old to have sex with whoever they wish. This way we will not be such hypocrites.
Right now we tell the world we care about Human Rights and is not the most basic human right to decide who sticks their body parts in you?? So by changing our laws we will not be sending money to foreign countries that practice 13 year old sex while saying that this is wrong. As I see it it is a  either or  get on the horse or turn him loose.

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