Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Living life

There was a man that lived or not depending on what you believe called Jesus. Jesus said as a rabbi QUOTED "Treat others exactly as you yourself want to be treated" this statement could the more I think about it solve all of mankind's differences.
   Say your neighbor is a nudest he has in his family a male child a female child and his wife. You are  clothing wearing Christ believing Sunday morning worshiping Christan. Now the neighbor is a Wicca or a atheist too. You see the conflict here 1st the belief difference 2nd the wardrobe difference.
  Mr church goer is of a mind he must in the name of Jesus put his neighbor straight on both it is not right! Jesus did not say "Do to the neighbor what you think is RIGHT". Mr CHRISTAN should ask himself what would he want his nudest Wicca/atheist neighbor to do in regards to him and his family. Because Mr Christan  like most Christan's will be telling his neighbor that his beliefs are wrong and his dress code is wrong especially with young children, this under the BANNER OF WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM.
"TREAT OTHERS EXACTLY AS YOU WHIST TO BE TREATED"  So if Mr Christan neighbor would ask would I want Mr Wicca/Atheist  having a  service in my front yard or spill over from his meeting ? Would I want Mr Nudest inviting my family to a party knowing everyone there will be naked? The answer to both questions will be NO!!
   This being the case Mr Christan should not call child protective services on the naked children, he can perhaps asks that his children not be exposed to there lifestyle,knowing the inevitable accident will occur.Mr Christan may say there is a god in him we live and we survive if you ever whist to know about him I will be happy to talk with you.
   By doing what I have outlined the Mr.Christan of the world will come to understand that allowing tow same sex people to get married is nothing more than treating them as they wish to be treated.

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