Thursday, September 27, 2012

Obama Care


I was talking with a friend that lives half way between Abilene Texas and San Angelo Texas. This person has had workman's comp surgery on her body she said there are no doctors in Abilene that do workman comp (paid by workman’s comp insurance) work the next town is Lubbock that has a physiain that will take workman’s comp. This brings up another point people have trouble finding doctors and opticians that take medicare because of low pricing. What O Mulatto the current Commander In( God help us) Chief is not saying and the media will not report is that short of martial law and force by armed men doctors can just say NO we will not accept OBAMA care just like workman’s comp and Medicaid and Medicare. They are not telling the American people that without a draft of some sort to make some of the college students go into medicine, that people will shy away from those low paying jobs. When the government controls what can be charged and how a doctor does business those in this field will go somewhere else.
Look at Communist China they are “Communist” look at the number of millionaires and Billionaires there. When I was a child there was a country called USSR a communist country no billionaires no millionaires in this country now it is called Russia again and it has millionaires and billionaires. It seems to me that Justice Roberts and Obama want the same as the old USSR had for the new United States. Will you see a armed man walking a college campus in the future making sure a young man or woman becomes a doctor to try and heal all the dying bodies in America simply because Obama Care ran the physicians out of America? Think a current doctor has the money to leave both his profession and this country as long as there are not laws against this. Well if finding a doctor that accepts workman’s comp and one that accepts the other programs is hard now how much more so will it be when Obama Care is the total law of the land???

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