Monday, June 21, 2010

fathers day

My son came by yesterday for father’s day; he fed me and fattened me. We looked at my blogs and they read totally like a disoriented male that knew nothing about English, or Spanish, or any other earthly language had written them. I have Arthritis and other things wrong with me.
He did pick up on one blog and what I was trying to say. I was trying to say that scientist have studied the correlation between sex crimes and pornography they have determined that the availability of pornography has reduced rape in our society. My blog was saying that if this is so why not let there be a virtual world that the sick pedophiles can go to and get there fix so they will leave live living human children alone. We have this very month a child missing and now presumed dead by something probably a known pedophile. Why will I society not operate on these thugs and put a Gps like we do on animals so they can’t remove it but we can track them 24/7. I kind of feel like the children will be injected with the Gps before the criminal. How many must we lose before we do something intelligent like the virtual world for them we can do much with this virtual world to do away and reduce the risk.

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