Wednesday, June 9, 2010

cops cops

Heard one say that I probably told the guy yes and then changed my mind because I did not have any wounds where I tried to fight him off
I was so scared and did not want to be hurt.
That mouthy cop needs to be tied down where he can fight and have me with a knife at his dick I bet he sucks my cock and says yes if he don't I will walk off with his cods cords and cock to the fire where he will watch me cook his supper. Hell he has two guns a tazer pepper spray baton handcuffs probably two pair and he probably still calls for back up when he enters a childcare's playground.
This is a conversation I had with a friend about a recent event in her life. She visited the local lake was raped,This is a Cops remark in the first sentence. The sentence that begins with this mouthy cop is my take on why I do not like cops.If you know this man he will be a bully and a coward like his remark and probably a woman hater too.
Will he be reprimanded or fined or loose a day of work I do not think so. The state he works in is Texas but they are in every town state and county,Brothers in blue,"Thin Blue Line" a new series about the bastards is coming soon "Blue Bloods",if it is like all cop movies it will have the crooked cop in it,because they are there well protected by the good cops.How do I know this because the woman raped in this story did not hear a "Officer" say shut that kind of crap up,he had a knife she was scared.So every cop that makes suck remarks and all who cover to him should be torched t o death publicly then show it on the news and say we now hold the :"Thin Blue line to a better higher standard this is what happens when you accuse a rape victim or saying yes then changing her mind!!

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