Friday, June 11, 2010


There were two people married they did, family they start two children boys they be.
One with Bipolar One with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity poor child he had both,
Marshall the free and clear no disorders maybe Narcissism had the little brother. The dud with Bipolar and Attention Disorder, whispered by god himself perfect in every way a vessel pure and good,
Fill whispered God with love and encouragement much encouragement,J.W. and Johan heard not these whispers.
Negative nattering nabobs of negativity with most sentences related to Lee the dud began with Don’t, Stop, Bad, You can’t do that, That is silly don’t be so silly, These were his positive sentences and words Shouted at him by these parents. Still in the years that followed this Great God that created all whispered in the wind on the breeze and through the trees, Positive be, encourage Lee gold and gifts there are in this soul please don’t destroy crush and hurt my precious creation.
The whispers weren’t heard the negatives mounted into a giant mountain mount Everest of negative. The other laid on couch watched Television made straight A’s. Roped Rode bulls was the apple of Daddies and mothers eye. Best roping horses his father could by best calves and pen built by dud for his practicing to be world champion calf roper to be. Flunked from College two semesters, never got closer than television and the couch to world champion calf roper.
Perhaps it is because we people don’t listen or encourage, negative, nattier about such small stuff, That this Great God sent a new child Autistic so its parents unlike those of the fifties and sixties would hear the whispers: Perfect in every way fill with encouragement praise and lots of love!!!

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