Saturday, February 13, 2010


A few days ago a Lady from Mississippi came to stay with me. She had a 13 year old daughter that was totally undisciplined. This child started screaming about her dogs running off she screamed at her mother. If I screamed at my mother or my father or any elder at 132 I got my face slapped hard. While I was showering I heard this daughter and her mother screaming at her, I got out of the tub put my clothing on and confronted this child. I told her she could not stay here that I would not put up with the disrespect, this is my house my place and you will not do this here. Her mother said I got it handled I told her to leave too. The mother is a christen and they are regular church goers. Perhaps the most famous quote of the Bible is “Spare the rod and spoil the child” well our society has done this, we have given our children ever thing we can think of, this child id captivated by her cell phone. We all as a nation witnessed the other day the results of our spoilage this child at bus stop beat another senseless and was kicking her in the head after the person was knocked out. We fought as children but when the person was down or begging to stop we walked away, now it the person was foolish enough to get up and do it again we might have knocked them cold and beyond. This attack was the kind that only a person trying to kill another would do and someone with no respect for life or another human being. This woman’s daughter by the way kept those dogs in the car and they did what dogs do shit and pissed in the car, they had a 10 hour drive in a car so defiled, I pray that they learned a lesson.

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