Thursday, May 31, 2018

13 reasons

Watching 13 Reasons. I understand why there are such morons in USA. 1st the writers flunked out of Retard school 2nd even in 2011 two school kids fighting in a road off of school grounds would have the police called by the school officials. If only for the reason that school officials did not want prison sentences. The police officer is about right for what we see happening today. The father with the badge was a total failure, paid the price too. 3rd Is Hollywood totally brain dead? All they put out is remakes and game shows. Hell movies are 1 hit then part 1 trough 100 remakes. 4th Citizens of USA must be brain dead they love and watch these game shows(sometimes called Reality television) Are Humans that dumb to believe people are naked and alone or on an island or in a house?? What brain deadness is in USA Zombie brain is that a good name for it? WONDER WHY DEMOCRATS WIN

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

companies controlling

ABC’s Canceling Roseann because of a remark is horror to my thinking. Insurance companies have been doing this for years controlling Activities because of “RISK” they say. WHEN do companies like ABC your job provider starts firing refusing to hire because of “WHAT YOU DO WHAT YOU SAY”. I hear it now it is their right, OK so you rope they fire you because this is inhumane they say. You fish, you hunt, you are a climber of rocks mountains, you drive a polluting car, you are a free range parent, you are nudest, or maybe you are a member of SCA.(society of creative anachronism)!!
See how far this can and will go. Robots for instance replacing humans on jobs, well a machine can do your job you fill in the blank that I the employer don’t approve of! THERE GOES THE FIRST AMENDMENT, taken by your boss, you cant pursue what you like love without the COMPANY’S blessing. Machines when they replace humans so companies can make more money. Well thought out by those seeking to make more money; maybe but where are these humans who buy the products that make the income stream going to get their money?????

Democrats / Islam

more evidence that DEMOCRATS kill those not with them or for them. Wonder are Democrats and Islam siblings because both KILL those against them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Tell you the real story of a person like Thirteen Reasons portrays. School at Hawley Texas from 1963 until 1974. This human was seeing counselors paid for by the state of Texas from 5th grade on. These Pin Head counselors (teacher and administrators view) would see this human for say 30 minutes.
This Human’s parents and teachers had a firm grip on how to best deal with this human; spanking, standing in a corner or with nose in a circle drawn on the chalk board. Remedial math remedial classes But BEAT HIS ASS and he will learn. BEAT HIS ASS and he will sit still. When this did not achieve its goal must have not done the ass whipping right do it again and harder. Bullying every day every class by almost every teacher plus mother and father.
HERE IS THE REAL FACT LEFT OUT of thirteen reasons. THERE WAS AND IS NO trusted adult or teacher. Should you talk unload ask for help, well saddle shed here we go with a belt or bridal rein or lariat rope for a better ass whipping. The Writers of Thirteen reasons do not mention ADD or ADHD or Dyslexia or any other learning difficulties that bring laughter to a class At YOUR EXPENSE.
Hear in the Sick Vet page on Facebook about medications and such. SOCIETY STILL LOCKING US IN DUNGEONS no these take away rights like gun ownership and the ability to pay ones own bills and even to live alone. The same folks who brought you thirteen reasons bring this. Some Damn Hollywood writer’s fantasy! Some Hollywood type that has a firm grip on things. Funny I thought that was then at Hawley Texas Independent school district, back then. Guess there is nothing new under the sun.

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Whole

ALL ISLAM ; When a Muslim commits a crime people like Facebook & the media say you CAN"T blame ISLAM. BUT let a mass shooter have an NRA card & it is "The NRA". The Bird in Unbroken (Japaneses prison camp commandant) Nazi Rudolf Hoss, concentration camp commandant these represent the majority of their times and movements in the country of their birth! People back then RIGHTLY did not say it is just a German or just a Japanese. Why do we not say IT IS ISLAM like they said it is Germany or it is Japan! Until the whole is held accountable the few will not stop! The Bomber the child rapist the human trafficker the automobile driver running into crowds IS PROTECTED BY ISLAM the whole.
can you envision being a British female child and your tong is nailed to a board by a Muslim(Islam) to convince you to be a sex slave and shut the hell UP. One child can Per Tommy Roberson who is in JAIL! Your daughter maybe NEXT.

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Woe is me y'all will say. I ask most every day I ask God To kill me or Why do you hate me: gave me a narcissist for mother and probably father. I was told to go to Welding school or else. Hearing is gone now. I told my mother that I had the choice of buying hearing protection or feeding my family! This mean cruel Johan R Green said you made the right choice! She is incapable of seeing any harm she did. Now back to God killing me, even if he said Ok but you will burn eternally: I would say YES I deserve that now get it on. We who suffer understand when looking back down that trail, OH GOD how many did we hurt. I see many of these I hurt in my mind and cringe at the thought. Meanness Guilty am I again. "What we do in life echos in eternity" , GOD relief by death and Yes burn me forever.
Back in the 70's many shops did not provide hearing protection. Wages were $1.65 a hour back then. A good Welder in Abilene Texas made maybe $2.75 an hour. I was never a good welder, perhaps rod burner. They wanted a Fitter/ Welder to make any money. My math skills were null at best. A welder taught me how to read a tape. Remedial math at Hawley high school did not teach this. The Teacher Mr McDonald dropped the curve low enough for all to pass. We listened to his jokes and stories got a little math in there to. Mr McDonald did his best, I figured out later what the hypotenuse of a right triangle was. God Forgive me for my inability to learn and more the soberness to make teaching me all but impossible. God Be with those I hurt .

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Every story or the vast majority of these about cuckolds HUMILIATION is the biggest thing mentioned. Especially as referring to Black & white cuckolding. My husband(white) had tears, looked so beaten, so submissive. The black Bull is telling the white husband he can no longer “FUCK” his wife and must service him and his(black friends) friends sexually.
 The flip side of the coin is the “Bull” humiliates the wife by turning her into a “Fuck Toy, “Fuck pig”, and is called a slut or whore or both. The wife is made or does the fucking to keep the Big Black Cock in her pussy. Gang bangs, public sex, sex with females, anal sex  and cleaning the cock of the Bull! 
What is the pay off in all of this?? 

People tell me I am narrow minded or I could see the truth(their truth). When I look up other sources for THE TRUTH and they seem to give credence to my argument (wrong sources) again! Think I went to college did research papers notated sources per rules, if Professor said wrong sources will not accept these sources. But when you ask what are the sources that you accept, this professor will not say! Essentially these kind of people are saying “My view is THE only view”.