Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Logical Thinkers

Pat Robinson came up with a perfectly logical to school shootings and Gun Ownership! Psychological records and medical records in the background checks. No more killings! Laws and regulations beget more of them! Example illegal to carry fencing pliers horseback in Texas. This answer to fence cutting by open ranger people verses fenced range people! Ranches have “WATER GAPS” creeks washes that tear up fences. These are designed to break away. Cowboy, Ranch hand, or whoever rides back there horseback with fencing pliers to fix this GAP. ILLEGAL! Folks like Pat Roberson LOGICAL THINKERS, would say leave the pliers by the gap in a waterproof container! Not to belabor a point Pat is a preacher & talks about the limitless of Gods power. So God or one of his creatures like Raccoon's are not able to move those pliers and waterproof container! God Help All Humans if these people win Gun Control argument.

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