Wednesday, February 21, 2018

School shootings

If the government used the same logic on car crashes as they are now taking about on gun shootings, they would have banned all motorized transportation! But they mandated Seat Belts and Airbags. Using that logic why not put security guards or police armed in every school walking patrols. Then like stores cameras and a person in the camera room watching the cameras. We allow and actively have fire drills in schools also Tornado drills. Why not just ban schools then students would not be subjected to fires, tornadoes and school shootings. This would also stop the spreading of things like the Flue.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Fake news Fact Shaping

This evening CBS news. A reporter a camera man on a bus full of students bound for Tallahassee Florida. Their goal Gun Control laws. Reporter “The students did this all by themselves. Charter buses must come from Cracker Jack boxes as drivers, motel money & food. Or there is someone or some group funding these students that did this themselves! Shaping the Facts = Flake News.

Logical Thinkers

Pat Robinson came up with a perfectly logical to school shootings and Gun Ownership! Psychological records and medical records in the background checks. No more killings! Laws and regulations beget more of them! Example illegal to carry fencing pliers horseback in Texas. This answer to fence cutting by open ranger people verses fenced range people! Ranches have “WATER GAPS” creeks washes that tear up fences. These are designed to break away. Cowboy, Ranch hand, or whoever rides back there horseback with fencing pliers to fix this GAP. ILLEGAL! Folks like Pat Roberson LOGICAL THINKERS, would say leave the pliers by the gap in a waterproof container! Not to belabor a point Pat is a preacher & talks about the limitless of Gods power. So God or one of his creatures like Raccoon's are not able to move those pliers and waterproof container! God Help All Humans if these people win Gun Control argument.

Computer controlled world

Computers, computer programmers, computer builders & computer media groups are creating a brainless group of people. I wanted to search Groups on Flicker, I wanted to type into a bar what I was looking for Can't do that! The computer literate people I know don’t even question things like this. Like computer programmed humanoids they laugh give logic for why it is this way. In the future there will be no questions like WHY. Asking Why will be treated like threading to kill the president or threatening a school shooting! Is there a better way will be a death penalty offense! Name your person Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg or anyone like them. They will become the knowledge God’s in not already so. Nietzsche said “Here is my way, what is your way, THE way does not exist” Nevermore nevermore will such be acceptable in the Computer controlled world we live in now.