Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gun Confiscation

03/11/14     Well it seems that in my life time I will see gun confiscation by our all loving all wise governments. So here is my look into the post confiscation world. I will ignore the inconvenient facts that where there are already very tight gun control laws the crime rate is higher than where guns are allowed! I will Ignore that crime is higher in London England than in Houston Texas. London England you can't own a gun. In fact even on the news here Diane Sawyer reported and showed film of the British soldier trained in killing, being killed in the streets of London by a Muslim wielding a knife!
    Having set this EXAMPLE OF CIVILIZATION, just think of post confiscation America! You have it I want it I will take it as a law abiding criminal that has laid down my gun with all others, the words of Nancy Pelocie, or Diane Feinsten senator of California. California is one of those places with High Gun Control laws and a HIGH CRIME RATE! Even if I do not have my gun, knives are good cubs pieces of chain say 18”.
    I am Peter the Pedophile your 9 year old daughter and your 11 year old daughter are my pray(prey). You and your husband are Collateral Damage. I have picked your house because it is far far out in the suburbs at the end of your street. Your palatial mansion sits just at the beginning of the forest. I bought at the local hardware store my duct tape. The ball gags at the adult book store. The hand cuffs were purchased at the local police supply store as was the knives. I am a registered sex offender I have done this before!
    Now my allies in this crime are Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi,and Dianne Feinsten and those kind of people, plus every nickel and dime criminal now playing in town, remember THE GUNS THE GUNS THE GUNS have been removed. I have no fear of your 9 or 11 year old sticking a 410 shotgun in my face now. Thank you for voting those anti gun politicians into office by the way. Now back to business you and your wife are tied to a chair by the duct tape and Handcuffs. You two chose the ball gags over duck tape around your heads for silence.
    You listen to the screams and cry’s of your 9 year old as I give her SEX education that will stay with her, now miss 11 year old is shown too. You tied in the chairs are at my whim do I cut your throats in front of your daughters pledging them to silence and securing my freedom, or do I make the children do it?? Even if I put the knife in the child’s hand and then with my hand over hers cut the jugular the shock will be the same. Then call some other criminals tell them of the televisions, computers, and such.
    The daughters are in the SUV with me. Mother and father are dead. Friends are pilfering the house. Oh by the way think you for giving all the codes to the household safes for my friends. I have what I want. Now thank you Nancy Pelosi and your friends by the time the cops get there it will be a catch who done it investigation. This Investigation will be harder due to foot prints from drug heads maybe even a fire caused by those dope fiends.
   This is totally fictional story coming soon to you by GUN Confiscation!!

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