Thursday, February 27, 2014

Aldous Huxley

02/27/14             Aldous Huxley wrote in 1931 published in 1932!!
A famous book for old Farts like me who read. I am 59 now and think god for the blessing of having just a few decades left on this planet.
   I read on the email I get from American Association For Nude Recreation, about Facebook's no nude photos policies. Now others are falling in lock step behind Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. So for those of you children under say 40 out there. What happens if he influences Netflex and they start censoring the material according to King Mark Zuckerberg's wishes. So now if a movie contains nudity then it is not streamed to your computer!
   Now think if this continues and the next generation or so of new computers become Zucker's and the already hard fought battles for human freedom????
   If programming will not allow Nude photos on the hard drive??? How is this different from any of the  a million or two would stop using Facebook find other media and this could be stopped. Three or 4 million and there might become two areas on Facebook one that allows nudity one that does not.. I Fear that King Zuckerberg has done what Barack Obama and others have failed dismantled the U.S. Constitution starting with the 1 amendment!!!!!!

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