Friday, May 1, 2020


REAL SMART "DEADBEAT DAD" WE MAKE HIM PAY! CANT GET A DRIVERS LICENSE , CANT GET A TAG FOR HIS CAR, NO HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSE IF HE IS BEHIND! They do not keep count of them fathers that commit suicide! Nobody counts any dammage this might do to the children. I knew a woman that when she got pregnant she went drinking until the baby aborted. Many woman party on the CHILD SUPPORT! If I knew what I know now I swear i would have castrated myself before high school graduation! STUDIES SHOW THE DAMAGE TO THE CHILDREN & THEIR CHILDREN & THERE CHILDREN & SOCIETY IN GENERAL. BET THERE ARE MORE SINGLE PARENT HOUSE HOLDS now than households with a mother and father together! Studies show GANGS, DRUGS BOOZE PRISON are in the child of single parent home DIVORCED! having a living father that the child can't spend time with causes this. GOD PLEASE CALL TIMES IS UP FOR THIS WORLD.

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