Monday, September 15, 2014


09/15/14 Yesterday I read about yet again two police brutality cases. What is sooooooo far beyond reality is the Galveston Texas Police officers were beating a 12 year old girl savagely because they thought that she was a prostitute. If Joe Q public was doing this it would be Child Molestation and other charges too. These goons release her after her father approaches and tells them that she is his daughter and she is 12 years old. One officer replied I don't care what age she is.
Then there was posted on Facebook a cell video of several officers in Morgantown West Virginia of police holding down a terminal ill man chocking on his own blood. You can hear her saying I can't believe this is happening a block from my house. You can hear an officer threatening to arrest her.
Now this morning I hear of a massive man hunt for two cop killers in Pennsylvania if in fact it is two they don't really know but are sure this is an attack on us all and the Law Enforcement Community.
I am sorry but after reading of all the police abuse I think America needs a new hero like wolverine except he eliminates or disables beyond the means of his working as a cop again all the pol lice like those Galveston Police that have given a 12 year old PSTD and charged her with resisting arrest.
Hell it is not just an unknown person in Galveston and Morgantown West Virginia BUT a famous actress in L.A. kissing her husband and handcuffed for being a prostitute!!!
When will this stop?? When some cop fails to recognize a foreign diplomat and shoots tazes or arrest and brutalizes him or perhaps a congress persons family. Why does not Hollywood not start a Django Unchained for legal fees to fight PO LICE brutality and a call in line for the 12 year old in Galveston for the 50 something in Morgantown! There will be others because of the International Brotherhood Of Police or some such UNION will prevent punitive measures like unpaid leave or termination so they just beat the shit or shoot someone then hide till it cools off with pay and are back on the street.

    Why does not Hollywood start making television shows that show the police as they are? We have a crisis or a revolution brewing in our country coming from the bottom up, Read “A Tale Of Two Cities” it will not be pretty and the body count high. But if Hollywood makes and they are shown movies Television Shows about the police as they are in real time real life people will see.

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