The United States use to have some values or it said so. I spoke to a Vietnam veteran and his take was no mercy the navy seal that killed Americas most wanted did right, after they showed no mercy in what they did. There is a movie called “Caligula” it is about a roman emperor that was just before Nero. This movie is pornography most say and will not look at it, so its importance is in giving the real reason for Rome’s falling. Rome did not fall because of the orgies, men having sex with little boys it fell because it lost the values of people like Marcus Aralias that built it up and made a great empire. In the words of Nerve “seven colleagues of mine in the senate were executed by the emperor just last week all good men” Tiberius the emperor was killing rivals. Rome had lost its sense of right that made it. In World War 2 we created The Hague and world courts for such as Osama Bien Laden there we tried and sentenced the murders of that era. Now our president orders them shot on sight what will become of this country if there is a GOD!!!! I believe that there is that GOD.
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