Monday, February 28, 2011

People who think they are God

I know a man that retired from the U.S. Navy and is a so called computer expert. He says he has no sympathy for anyone because he suffers from H.I.V. and other diseases. This man clams to be close to God and says he is going to heaven. He offers no quarter to anyone it is your entire fault you made the decisions that put you where you are. So if you have a problem say Turrets and your cussing got you fired that is your problem you should learn to control your cussing. He says if you know god as he does there is no room for Hate. Interesting God said Jacob I have loved Esau I have hated, and there was a good reason for that statement too.
I ask this man to copy and paste some information I wanted to forward to friends as I was unable to do it, he sent me the web link. With the statement is this you wanted? I sent him a message back that he should be tied to a bomb or the space shuttle on next launch and explained what I wanted and why again. I explained to him that not all people with computers can open links or have that knowledge; this in his eyes makes them inferior people not worth his time. He speaks of his job in the navy as master chief as being GOD and I from his conversations think he believes himself to be GOD. Why is it that a Jewish Rabbi said “do to others that which you want done to you” my translation and you will do this to someone send a link when they requested something else, and you think you will be in heaven!!!!!

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