Monday, January 24, 2011

censors goverment controll

   I look for all kinds of weird things on the internet the only problem with this is you bump into the censors and there handy work. Tomas Jefferson spoke of a free unfettered press as being preferable to any government; he is right in that knowledge will keep people free. The Governments, censers and anyone that wants to keep you from seeing say the dead bodies from war, natural disasters or just looking up women raped to death if the photos are there, then people must look at life with its grim realities. The problem is when someone or group wants to say that is inappropriate for whatever their reason it probably has more to do with a control issue. In the case of the photo of the woman raped to death they will say it is in appropriate because of its sexual nature, or is inappropriate because a child might see it. This may have more to do with the denial of men that it has happened and the women not having the weight to have it published so that there is proof. Proof is the big word that the control people most of them will be governmental in nature, do not want proof to be out there and available because their control is gone. When everybody knew the world was flat no one would venture too far for fear of falling off the edge. It is the same with any issue you bring up if people believe that the whatever idea is being pushed by whatever the control agency is, as soon as proof that the idea control agency want to have as the law is debunked by truth the control agency  no longer have control. Most issues are of money in nature anyway, nudity for instance look at it would only be a doable thing indoors or in the summer but you can bet that the stores and marketers of clothing are going to keep laws against people having the freedom to walk down the street naked.

censors goverment controll

   I look for all kinds of weird things on the internet the only problem with this is you bump into the censors and there handy work. Tomas Jefferson spoke of a free unfettered press as being preferable to any government; he is right in that knowledge will keep people free. The Governments, censers and anyone that wants to keep you from seeing say the dead bodies from war, natural disasters or just looking up women raped to death if the photos are there, then people must look at life with its grim realities. The problem is when someone or group wants to say that is inappropriate for whatever their reason it probably has more to do with a control issue. In the case of the photo of the woman raped to death they will say it is in appropriate because of its sexual nature, or is inappropriate because a child might see it. This may have more to do with the denial of men that it has happened and the women not having the weight to have it published so that there is proof. Proof is the big word that the control people most of them will be governmental in nature, do not want proof to be out there and available because their control is gone. When everybody knew the world was flat no one would venture too far for fear of falling off the edge. It is the same with any issue you bring up if people believe that the whatever idea is being pushed by whatever the control agency is, as soon as proof that the idea control agency want to have as the law is debunked by truth the control agency  no longer have control. Most issues are of money in nature anyway, nudity for instance look at it would only be a doable thing indoors or in the summer but you can bet that the stores and marketers of clothing are going to keep laws against people having the freedom to walk down the street naked.

Friday, January 21, 2011

master chief

  I have a person that I know who retired with 30 years from the United States Navy as an E9 he says he is color blind Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and Gay. He says he has no sympathy for anyone that there are no excuses and except for peoples with severe retardation (Me) or anyone like me with disorders of my own are totally responsible for our decisions. He has children sons one of which is Psycophernic and he says he has taught this son to overcome the voices in his head, he also said I should not own have a firearm but it is ok for his son because of his training,this son is un medicated because as told by me he does not need it. This Ex Navy E9 is always talking about how he was god in the Navy. He at least to me engages in tirades about how Republicans and business people cheat the government, there employees, their customers and most people are idiots. This man makes 60,000 a year in Disability.He proudly proclaims how he manipulated the system to his betterment. He of course was H.I.V. pos before retirement but since he kept it from the navy he got his honorable discharge and all to this money.
  Now me I am as one Air force retired load master told me a survivor I barely get by. But according to Mr. Master Chief my entire fault. I think the way he sees it if you are not a master manipulator that works things to your good then you should be where you are. Now mind you because in 1993 when he retired from the Navy he knew that he had H.I.V. apparently the navy did not catch this and now he draws retirement Social Security Disability Income and god knows what but if his lips do not lie it is totaling 60,000 dollars a year. He will say I am envious and bitching I frankly do not care how much someone makes I got the bad brakes and did not achieve all I should. Is this a crime sin or just the luck of the draw I think the luck of the draw with a heavy influence of God’s hand. I do not know why nor what the lesson is but some day will I.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


   There was in the decade of 1950 to 1960 a child born to a mother with hair of red and a soul of bully,
Said this mother listen to me, do as I say, the reason you do not need to know, do it because I said so.
Children are to be seen and not heard sit still or your ass will I whip. The child never hardly at all heard good boy (good dog) never was a complement or praise given. This child grew to man and mother said if you are going to school you will my help need welding school it will be for you so it was. Thirty years of strain lifting and punishment on body till after retirement and disability a hernia is found now that old is he and time short his dreams not fulfilled will never be thanks to his loving mother. Shame it is that the parents of this decade were raising children too bad they did not realize if they are raising children they never stop being a burden perhaps this is gods wisdom the children of these mothers like mine keep coming back for help, bad it is they were not raising adults growing them to be self sufficient and successful.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I had a dreams taking 60 acres a two bedroom taler house and adding a back room a front room.I wanted to build game observation platforms and charge people to hunt and take pictures of animals.I dreamed of food plots to attract deer with hog panels around them so the hogs would stay out.Before these dreams I dreamed of being a preacher and would come home to try in my Sunday suit to do my bible school homework but my mother always made me take off the suite.I dreamed of shooting and writing of it.I dreamed of being a photographer.I guess God and Mother had better dreams cause now I sit here with testis swollen up and in pain unable to lift shovel or post hole digger or wood to build.My left shoulder is ravaged from years as a welder which was mothers choice for me my balls took it too.Now my dream is to go to heaven where my dreams one at least might become a realty.My pain does not stop so if hell is my place I am being prepared by the injuries I now suffer.Do people with out dreams Live???By the way I have 120 hours of college toward one dream and my loving mother said "How the hell will you go to college you barley finished High School" but Mothers are always right.So my dreams are nothing but air.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

something new

   In light of yet another tragedy we hear law enforcement saying the same old same old leave it to us professionals! These professionals are not willing to list all of the millions of events like the one in Tucson Arizona that they prevented, should they not have a list of some sort of one showing how their profession of well trained people highly paid has shined like the sun!! If there is a list of 10 that they stopped subdued the gunman or gunwoman then let’s sees it. Now the Alcoholic Anonyms says doing what you have always done and expecting a different result is insanity, and this makes sense to me. I think it is time we try something new, start in kindergarten with age appropriate training in guns martial arts knife handlening through college if they go that far. Include metal test for the people who scream everybody can’t own a gun. Have for instance quick draw, best shot competitions so as to improve their speed and aim. Each town has a community range and all members of these schools share it with these law enforcement professionals. Let’s have shooting competions like soccer and football games martial arts matches and the various knife combat contests along with the other things we do not now teach in school. Do away with conceal carry and have mandatory if it is on your drivers license that you are allowed to carry you must have it on you at all times. For those of you that are intelligent enough you know where this is headed if the crowd is populated with gun carrying expert shooting people maybe only one shot gets fired and only one family faces loss. If everyone was trained in martial arts more could help subdue the bad guy. Robbery would go down rapes and muggings too carjacking, kidnappings think of how many children that could whip Pete the pedophile when he tried to kidnap them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

(348 unread) Yahoo! Mail, saddlebronk7

I bought a tire to bring my truck up to specs for the state of Texas inspection so I can drive. The one tire cost 200 dollars The store clerk said there is a rubber shortage well some tires are synthetic most of the synthetics come from oil products. We in these United States have not built not one single brand new refinery since 1974 so we are shipping refined gasoline, desel, jet fuel and kerosene to the U.S.A. from foreign countries. This is not only a nation’s l emergency it is a security risk. It is brought about by people like Al Gore and the enveriomentlest they fight in court with their lawyers the building of these things to the point that the oil companies bow down and stop trying to build. Our economy our way of life and our freedoms are being controlled by a small vocal rich group of people. These people have the money to pay for a 500 or 1000 dollar tire and not miss it they don’t think that if America falls that their lives will change.