Saturday, February 29, 2020


This men fucking another mans wife weather cheating or cuckold is an expensive proposition for some people. The wife is civilian her husband is civilian the man fucking her is Military. When he or she in the military is doing this AND it is reported when proven by military investigators the human involved LOOSES EVERYTHING. Military retirement gone Military benefits gone AND there can be jail time! So cuckolding or a gentleman's agreement involving ADULTERY as the military sees it the military personnel LOOSES EVERYTHING

Friday, February 28, 2020


tried to log in to a website IF I WAST I MUST DO IT THROUGH Google of Facebook! I guess one day soon I will not be on the web, may not have a computer. BUT you Google & Facebook worshiping souls will be controlled abused by these companies. Like all dictators or companies that ARE THE ONLY ONE as AT&T (Southwestern Bell) in Texas.MA Bell told you what to do how much it would cost, You had no choice! Move from apt A to apt B next door $60.00 to move you phone, the apartment already had plugs for you phone. A friend who worked for Bell said they just flipped a switch!

Thursday, February 27, 2020


ME TOO WOMEN only! I did a search males who slept with male boss for advancement! NO NEVER IMPOSSIBLE according to DUCK DUCK GO! BUT several more than several about WOMEN SLEEPING WITH THE BOSS! Wow WOW double standard message woman are sluts. MEN ARE NOT using sex with a male boss. passing on same old shit to another generation of people.


COMPUTER INTERNET I did a search stories about drag queens as a test. Lots of stories about Drag Queen story hour! No interviews like why I do drag. I did a search for straight men who like giving head to men. I was not seeking PORN but all I got was PORN. I did an search about mothers & daughters PORN! Internet computers were when I first got one in 90's were not like this CONTROLLED CORRALLED NARROW MINDED SEARCHES! NOW Mind Geek Facebook Amazon Google ARE THE INTERNET like Hitler Stalin China THEY DECIDE WHAT YOU CAN FIND! Facebook is advertising on television NOW groups for anything! EQUALS DATA MINING OF HUMANS so they can sell this to companies selling things!

Hormone Hangover (FtMtF)

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Never Date A Single Mother

those who know

FUCKING AL GORES & TED DANSONS bought a MR heater propane tank top. some jack ass put a big warning card on the damn thing that will catch fire! So WE HUMANS WHO KNOW will protect you fools! still humans die from fires & electrocutions.

Saturday, February 1, 2020


For the umpteenth time I had to run the toilette snake down my toilette bowl. Some know it all like Al Gore & Ted Danson said we should save water by flushing less of it when we defecate! Now if you crap a turd larger than a humming bird’s the toilet bowl stops up because the hole it must pass through is so small. Coming up humans SPRING FORWARD one hour! NO HUMAN alive has lived when the time did not change! It began before WORLD WAR ONE which ended in 1918 102 years ago! Television and doctors and?? every year say how harmful this to humanity! Moral dumb asses like Al Gore & TED DANSON are listened to over people who should know and have facts to back it up! SECOND MORAL Democrats will win again next election take the senate and hold the house do the Trump impeachment all over! BLAME the AL GORE’S &TED DANSONS they are listened to!

Pompeiian Sexuality | National Geographic


Before the internet Before the rage of our age White wives cheating with Black men known as BBC. THE CHEATING is nor CUCKOLDING. We have cuckservative & cuck this and cuck that! Wives doing this are called SLUTS by their bulls. Wives are a lot of the time passed around or even filmed by the husband. Marriage is no more Fathers do not exist the female rules! I would say God help us BUT I REALLY WONDER WHY HE HAS NOT CALLED TIME IS UP for all mankind. NO moral code ever written or that I am aware of lauds & applauds this behavior & the damage it does.