Thursday, June 14, 2012


06/14/12 America

My name is Jesse I am 57 years old. My country is in the toilette. Can anyone visualize Barak Husiean Obama saying the words of Nathan Hale “I regrett that I have but one life to give for my country” I cant. Todays news said that Lance Armstrong is now suspected of taking perfeormance inhancing drugs. When I was growing up in the 60's and early 70's the people looked up to did not do such SHIT then win win win and only afterward get caught.I think the reason our country is tanked is because we have no or too few people like Joe DiMaggio,Roger Stauback, Larry Mahan. Wherever you looked in this time there were people that were at the top of their game and without cheating. These people did not mind you looking at there records because they were proud of the record and of where they were borne.
We had real heroes to look up to and reason to emulate them. Yes he is the president but who wants there child to emulate Obama,or if he is guilty Lance Armstrong,why would you teach this to your child?? It is we the people in this country and we have fallen lower than a 5.00 dollar crack whore. So seeing Obama and his ilk in high office is not even something to be unexpected,it should be that a liar and perhaps a non citizen should be in the white house. The majority have allowed this cheating, sliding of morals attitude. It began with Clinton.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


06/09/12 Vampires
Vampires cant go to heaven because they are dammed. I am 57 and have a boyfriend dressed like a girl so I feel like a vampire must knowing that because I am Bi Sexual or Homosexual I too cant enter heaven. When I presented this to my mother bless her heart she did not disown me. Why am I so whatever I am? I put up with more crap out of my boyfriend/lover than any-other person I have ever been with. I do not know if a 23 year tranny and a 57 year old male can have a life together but until it goes to poop I will try.