Wednesday, September 1, 2010

my short life


I am Jesse Lee Green I have a Diagnosis of Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper Activity. I am 55 years old now. The longest stretch of employment for me was 3 years at a company in North Carolina. Looking back at my life I see my brain
has glitches or whatever you wish to call it: example while working as a cook at a college there was a piece of something in the beans in a steam cooker filled with hot water, what posses me to stick my hand and arm and retrieve that foreign object I do not know but I did without burning my arm.
Example what possessed me to try and drive a low boy trailer over a raised Cattle guard I do not know but I tried. Bull headed, hard headed, stupid, Ignorant, dumb ass, and many many more names I have attached to me. I have a friend that is retired Navy and he says it boils down to three things: 1.Improper training 2. Improper supervision 3.misuse of equipment this is the definition of failure in the U.S. Navy. He laughs at me because he says he is Bipolar, color blind, and use to stdder but he overcame these things, I guess he thinks if he did all humans should. Interesting side note he recently got a preaching listens from California. Can you see Jesus saying these three bits of wisdom and then saying he overcame all must overcome!!!
I was watching a program on the human mind as relates to serial killers and actual cat scans and autopsy as to proving their physical differences in the brain itself. Perhaps this is why it says in the story of Legion in the Bible that they found him healed clothed and in his right mind!!! If as I have known for some time from trying to explain things I have thought and done that the psychical brain is different in each of us and has different areas of activities then no man or woman can judge anther's behavior.
I know that those in my life have never never given me a break and I do know there may be millions of people like me in unemployment lines now.